TRIANGLE - 1

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1. A triangle having all the three sides of equal length is known as .....................

2. A triangle having two sides of equal length is known as ..........................

3. A triangle having three sides of different length is known as ....................

4. A triangle whose all angles are acute angle is called ............................

5. A triangle whose one angle is obtuse angle is called ............................

6. A triangle whose one angle is right angle is called.................................

7. The sum of all interior angles of triangle is ............................

8. The sum of all exterior angles of triangles is ........................

9. Area of triangle = ....................

10. Triangle is derived from two word ................ and ..............which means ...........
11.      The angle opposite to equal side of a triangle are  ………………………...

12.      Sum of the angles of quadrilateral is equal to …………….  right angles .

13.      Two circles are said to be congruent if they have same ………………

14.      Sum of any two side of a triangle is always greater than the ………. third side.

15.      In right ∆ PQR and ABC, if the hypotenuse PR = AC and side PQ = AB, then  ∆ RPQ 

16.      Two geometrical figures are congruent if they have exactly the same ……… and ………..

17.      Two triangles are congruent if and only if their corresponding …………..  and the corresponding angles are …………………

18.   If two sides and the ……………. angle of one are equal to  the corresponding sides and the ………… angle of other triangle, then two triangles are congruent

19.   A triangle is …………………. iff any two altitudes are equal.

20.  The medians of an equilateral triangle are ……………………….

21.   Median is also called …………….  in equilateral triangles

22.  Triangle is formed by joining three  ……………………………………………….. points.

23.   A point where two sides of a triangle meet is known as ………………of a triangle.

24.   Every angle of an equilateral triangle is of …………………………………………..measure.

25.   A ……………………………….. triangle has one angle of 90°.

26.   A triangle has …………………………. vertices and…………………………………………sides.

27.   In an …………….. triangle, the remaining two angles are acute

28.   The sum of the measure of all three interior angles of a triangle is ………………………..

29.   A triangle whose two angles are equal is known as ……….…triangle.


1. Two congruent figure have same :
a). Shape    
b). Size     
c). Color   
d). Both a and b

2. Two figures are said to be similar if they have same :
a). Shape    
b). Size    
c). Color      
d). Both a and b

3. Which of the following is not a congruency rule
a). ASA   
b). SSA    
c). RHS   
d) AAA 

4. Choose the correct statement
     (a) a triangle has two right angles
     (b) all the angles of a triangle are less than 60°
     (c) centroid is the point of intersection of medians
     (d) None of these

5. If ΔABC is congruent to ΔPQR by SSS congruence rule, then:
      (a) ∠C < ∠R                            
      (b) ∠B < ∠Q
      (c) ∠A < ∠P
      (d) ∠A = ∠P, ∠B = ∠Q, ∠C = ∠R

6.   In isosceles triangle ACD and ADB , the congruency rule used in proving ∠ACD ≌ ∠ADB is
(a) ASA                             
         (b) SSS
        (c) AAS                             
       (d) RHS                                                                  
7.   In the given figure, find PM

      (a) 3 cm                              
      (b) 5 cm
      (c) 4 cm                             
      (d) 2 cm

8. In isosceles triangle ABC, AD is the median then ∠BAD is
          (a) 35°                                
         (b) 70°
         (c) 110°                              
         (d) 55°

9. Which is not a criterion for congruence of triangles ?
(a) SSA                         
(b) SAS                           
(c) ASA                  
(d)  SSS

10. The sum of altitudes of a triangles is ________ than the perimeter of the triangle
(a) Greater                  
(b) equal                    
(c) half                        
(d) less

11. If one angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of other two angles, then triangles is ___
(a) Acute triangles                                         
(b) right triangles                                                
(c) obtuse triangles                                   
(d) none of these

12. The centroid is the intersection of three ___________ of a triangles
(a) Altitudes                                                   
(b) Medians                                               
(c) Angles bisectors                                 
(d) Perpendicular bisectors

13. The incentre is the intersection of three ___________ of a triangles
(b) Medians                                                         
(c) Angles bisectors                                   
(d) Perpendicular bisectors

14. The orthocentre is the intersection of three ___________ of a triangles
             (b) Medians                                                          
             (c) Angles bisectors                                               
             (d) Perpendicular bisectors

15. The circumcentre is the intersection of three ___________ of a triangles
(b) Medians                                         
(c) Angles bisectors                                                       
(d) Perpendicular bisectors

16. Euler’s line of triangles is the lines which passes through _______________
(a) Orthocenter               
(b) circumcentre           
(c) centroids           
(d) all of these

17. What type of triangle is Δ ABC, where ∠B = ∠C = 71°? 
(a) Equilateral        
(b) Isosceles     
(c) Scalene         
(d) acute

18. What is a triangle that contains no right angle called?
(a) Right      
(b) Oblique     
(c) Opaque            
(d) none of these


1. Every similar figure is congruent.

2. Every congruent figure is similar.

3. Every ATM cards are congruent.

4. Every ATM cards are similar.

5. Every ten rupee coin are congruent.

6. Triangle is a closed figure.

7. Triangle is a type of polygon. 

8 If any two angles and a non-included side of one triangle are equal to the corresponding angles            and side of another triangle respectively, then the two triangles are not congruent………………

9. Angles opposite to two equal sides of a triangle are unequal………………………

10. The sum of any two sides of a triangle is equal to its third side………………….

11. Difference of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side…………...

12. An obtuse triangle may be an equilateral triangles……………………….

13. Scalene triangle cannot be an acute- angled triangle ……………………

14. An isosceles triangle may be a right angled triangle…………………...

15. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2 : 1 : 3, then triangles is a right angled      triangles………………….

Match The Following     

 1. Traiangle ABC congruence QRP, 
     Match the corresponding parts.

                     List- A                                                           List – B
      P)           AB                                                            1)   Angle Q 

      Q)          BC                                                             2)   QP
      R)          AC                                                             3)   QR

      S)           Angle A                                                    4)   RP

             P            Q            R             S

a)      1             2             3              4
b)      1             2             4              3
c)      3             4             2              1
d)     2             3             1              4



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