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1. The entire body surface and cavities inside the body are lined by
(A) muscle tissue (B) epithelial tissue (C)connective tissue (D) nervous tissue (E) none of these

2. Which one of the following is a fluid connective tissue ?
(A)Areolar tissue (B) cartilage (C) Blood (D) Ligaments

3. The tissue that attaches muscles to the bones is
(A) cartilage (B) tendon (C) ligament (D) blood

4. The tissue that joins one bone to the other is
(A) ligament (B) tendon (C) blood (D) ) cartilage

5. Areolar tissue is a
(A) nervous tissue (B) muscular tissue (C) connective tissue (D) epithelial tissue

6. Tendon is a structure which connects
(A) a bone with another bone  (B) a muscle with a bone (C) a never with a muscle (D) a muscle with a muscle

7. Fluid part of blood after removal of corpuscles is
(A) plasma (B) lymph (C) serum (D) vaccine

8. Which of the following structures joins skeletal muscle to bone ?
(A)Ligament (B)Tendon (C)Blood (D) Bone

9. Yellow muscle fibers are also called as31
(A) bone (B) muscle (C) ligament (D) none of these

10. Ligament joins
(A) bone the muscle (B) muscle to muscle (C) bone to bone (D) none of these

11. The entire body surface and cavities inside the body are lined by
(A) nervous tissue (B) epithelial tissue (C)muscle tissue (D) none of these

12. Which one of the following is a fluid connective tissue ?
(A)Areolar tissue (B) cartilage (C) Blood (D) Ligaments

13. The tissue that attaches muscles to the bones is
(A) cartilage (B) tendon (C) ligament (D) blood

14. The tissue that joins one bone to the other is
(A) ligament (B) tendon (C) blood (D) ) cartilage

15. Areolar tissue is a
(A) nervous tissue (B) muscular tissue (C) connective tissue (D) epithelial tissue

16. Tendon is a structure which connects
(A) a bone with another bone (B) a never with a muscles
(C)  a muscle with a bone (D) a muscle with a muscle

17. Fluid part of blood after removal of corpuscles is
(A) plasma (B) lymph (C) serum (D) vaccine

18. Which of the following structures joins skeletal muscle to bone ?
(A)Ligament (B)Tendon (C)Blood (D) Bone

19. Yellow muscle fibers are also called as31
(A) bone (B) muscle (C) ligament (D) none of these

20. Ligament joins
(A) bone the muscle (B) muscle to muscle (C) bone to bone (D) none of these

21. Contraction and relaxation are unique features of
(A) epithelial tissue (B) connective tissue (C) muscle tissue (D) none of these

22. The tissue which is under the control of animal’s will is
(A) cardiac muscle (B) striated muscle (C) non-striated muscle (D) cartilage

23. The muscle which work throughout life without undergoing fatigue is
(A) striated muscle (B) non-striated muscle (C) ) cardiac muscle (D) all of the above (E) none of these

24. Which of the following is a voluntary muscle ?
(A) striated muscle (B) Unstriated muscle (C) ) cardiac muscle (D) (A) and(B)

25. Wall of urinary bladder consists of
(A) striated muscle (B) Unstriated muscle (C) both (A) and (B)   (D) none of these

26. Intercalated discs are present in
(A) striated muscle (B) Unstriated muscle (C) ) cardiac muscle (D) all of the above (E) none of these

27. The function unit of nervous tissue is called as
(A) cyton (B) synapse (C) neuron (D) axon

28. Which type of tissue forms spinal cord and brain ?
(A) muscle tissue (B) Nervous tissue (C) epithelial tissue (D) Epidermis

29. Involuntary tissue forms wall of which of the following organ ?
(A) intestine (B) stomach (C) bronchi (D) all of the above

30. Movements in body are brought about by
(A) muscle tissue (B) epithelial tissue
(C) Bones (D) tendons and ligaments

31. Classification reflecting the evolutionary interrelationships of organisms is called
(A) Phylogenetic classification (B) artificial classification
(C) Natural classification (D) numerical classification

32. Principles and rules of classification are studied under
(A) systematics (B)natural classification (C) nomenclature (D) taxonomy

33. Two kingdom classification was given by
(A) Linnaeus (B) Haeckel (C) ) Copeland (D) Whittaker

34. Three kingdom classification was proposed by
(A) Linnaeus (B) Haeckel (C) ) Whittaker (D) Lamarck
35. Five kingdom Whittaker was proposed by
(A) Linnaeus (B) ) Whittaker (C) john Ray (D) Lamarck

36. Thallophyta includes
(A) fungi and bacteria (B) algae, fungi, animals and lichens
(C) Algae, fungi and lichens (D) algae and fungi

37. Flowering plants are included under
(A) cryptogams (B) phanerogams (C) bryophytes (D) pteridophytes

38. Which of the following has an embryo but lacks vascular tissue ?
(A) Bryophyta (B) Pteridophyta
(C) Gymnosperms (D) angiosperms

39. Algae are characterized by (or) algae differ from bryophytes in
(A) aquatic habit (B) Thalloid plant body
(C) Pyrenoids (D) unicelled sex organs

40. The most primitive vascular plants are –
(A) bryophytes (B) pteridophytes
(C) Gymnosperms (D) angiosperms

41. Identification, nomenclature and
Classification of organisms is called
(A) Morphology (B) Ecology (C) Taxonomy (D) Phytogeography

42. Who is know as father of taxonomy?
(A) Mendel (B) Linnaeus (C) Drawing (D) Crick

43. Binomial nomenclature was introduced by
(A) John Ray (B) A.P. de Candolle (C) Jussen (D) Carolus Linnaeus

44. The basic unit of classification is
(A) Variety (B) species (C) genus (D) family

45. A group of freely interbreeding organisms constitutes a
(A) species (B) genera (C) family (D) class

46. According to binomial nomenclature, the scientific name of an organism must
consists of two words. these are
(A) species and tribe (B) genus and species (C) order and family (D) genus and family

47. Which taxonomic term may be substituted for any rank in the classification?
(A) class (B) Geuns (C) Species (D) Taxon

48. Cryptogams include
(A) thallophytes (B) bryophytes (C) pteridophytes (D) all of the above

49. Algae are characterized by
(A) Pyrenoids (B) aquatic habital (C) unicellular sex organs (D) all of the above

50. In Whittaker’s classification, unicellular organisms are grouped under
(A) protista (B) porifera (C) fungi (D) protozoa



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