Check 6n is end with
digit zero for some natural number n.
- F ind the HCF & LCM of 336 & 54 by using prime factorisation method.
- Use Euclid’s divisions algorithms to find the HCF of 135 & 225
- Check 6n is end with digit zero for some natural number n.
- Using prime factorization methods, Find the HCF & LCM of 26 &91.
- Use Euclid’s divisions algorithms
to find the HCF of 867 & 255.
- Find the L.C.M of 12, 15 &21.
- Find the LCM of 12, 15 &
21by factorization methods
- For some integers q, Show that
any positive even integers is of the form
6q, or 6q+2, or 6q+4.
- For some integers q, Show that
any positive odd integers is of the form
4q+1, or 4q+3.
- By using prime factorisation methods, Find the HCF & LCM of 6, 72, & 120.
1. Use Euclid’s divisions
algorithms to find the HCF of 867 & 255.
2. Express each numbers as a
products of its prime factors :
b. 156
3. Use Euclid’s divisions
algorithms to find the HCF of 135 & 225.
Use Euclid’s division lemma to
show that square of any positive integers is either of the form 3m or 3m+1, for some integers m.
For some integers q, Show that
any positive odd integers is of the form
4q+1, or 4q+3.
Use Euclid’s division lemma to
show that cube of any positive integers is either of the form 9m or 9m+1, or
9m+8 for some integers m.
Use Euclid’s divisions
algorithms to find the HCF of 96 & 404.
Given that HCF( 306, 657) = 9.
Find the LCM( 306, 657) .
4. By using prime factorisation methods, Find the HCF & LCM of 6, 72, & 120.
- Use Euclid’s divisions
algorithms to find the HCF of 196 & 38220.
- Use Euclid’s division lemma to
show that square of any positive integers is either of the form 3m or 3m+1, for some integers m.
- For some integers q, Show that any positive odd integers is of the
form 4q+1, or 4q+3.
- Check 6n is end with digit zero for some integer n.
- Given that HCF( 306, 657) = 9.
Find the LCM( 306, 657) .
- Use Euclid’s division lemma to
show that cube of any positive integers is either of the form 9m or 9m+1, or 9m+8 for some integers m.
- For some integers q, Show that any positive odd integers is of the form
4q+1, or 4q+3.
- Given that HCF( 306, 657) = 9.
Find the LCM( 306, 657) .
- Find the LCM & HCF of 26 & 91 and verify that: LCM x HCF = Product of two numbers
Find the LCM & HCF of 336
&54 and verify that:
Product of two numbers
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