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CLASS: 10th

1. The raw materials for photosynthesis are
(A) CO2 & O2  (B) sunlight and CO2   (C) water and chlorophyll   (D) CO2 and water.

2. Most of the photosynthesis (80%) which takes place on this earth is carried out by
(A) green plants on land     (B) algae found in ocean
(C)  algae present in fresh water (D) algae present in ocean and fresh water sources (E). none of thes

3. Which of the following ahs no digestive enzyme ?
(A) Saliva   (B) Bile   (C) Gastric juice   (D) Intestinal juice

4. Plants are green in colour because
(A) they absorb green light but reflect all other lights      (B) they reflect green light
(C)  they absorb green light only     (D) none of the above are correct.

5. Full name of NADP is
(A) Nicotinamide dinucleotide phosphate    (B) Nicotine adenine dinuceotide phosphate
(C) Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate   (D) None of the above

6. Wavelength of visible light is
(A) 200 - 400 nm   (B) 400 - 700 nm   (C) 700 - 900 nm   (D) 100 - 200 nm

7. The presence of sugar in onion leaves can be tested with
(A) iodine (B) copper sulphate solution
(C) lime water (D) benedict’s solution

8. Chemical reaction takes place during dark reaction of photosynthesis is
(A) photolysis   (B) hydrolysis
(C) carbon dioxide is bonded with RUBP   (D) nitrogen fixation

9. Dark reaction and light reaction of photosynthesis takes place in
(A) stroma and grana of chloroplast respectively   (B) grana and stroma of chloroplast respectively
(C) grana only   (D) stroma only

10. CO2 acceptor during dark reaction of photosynthesis is
(A) RUBP    (B) PEP   (C) NADPH   (D) ATP

11. Compensation point refers to the intensity of light at which
(A) Rate of respiration = rate of photosynthesis   (B) Rate of respiration > rate of photosynthesis
(C) Rate of respiration < Rate of photosynthesis   (D) None of the above is correct

12. Among the following which is a parasitic plant ?
(A) Plasmodium   (B) Cuscuta   (C) Amoeba   (D) Rhizobium

13. The nutrition in mucor is
(A) parasitic (B) autotrophic (C) saprophytic (D) holozoic

14. In amoeba the digestion is intracellular because
(A) amoeba is unicellular   (B) amoeba is multicellular
(C) amoeba is found is pond   (D) amoeba is microscopic animal

15. Digestion of food in human starts from
(A) duodenum (B) small intestine (C) mouth (D) large intestine

16.  Food  completed  digest in the
(A) ileum (B) duodenum (C) stomach (D) large intestine

17. The most important function of villi in the small intestine is
(A) to provide strength to the intestine
(B) to provide space for capillaries and lacteals
(C) to provide increased surface area for absorption of digested food
(D) to provide habitat for bacteria

18. Which of the following sections does not contain enzymes ?
(A) Bile (B) Pancreatic juice (C) Intestinal juice (D) Saliva

19. Chewing is an example of
(A) chemical digestion (B) mechanical digestion (C) involuntary action (D) hydrolysis

20. The final product of digestion of carbohydrates and proteins are
(A) glycerol and amino acid respectively (B) glucose and amino acids respectively
(C) amino acids and glycerol respectively (D) amino acids and glucose respectively

21. In amoeba the digestion of food is
(A) extracellular (B) intracellular (C) intercellular (D) none of the above

22. Through mastication of food is essential because
(A) mastication of food makes the teeth stronger
(B) it makes the process of swallowing the food easier
(C) by this process bigger pieces of food are broken down into smaller pieces.
(D) bigger pieces of food are broken down into smaller pieces and saliva is properly mixed with it

23. The wave of contractions that pushes the food through the alimentary canal is called
(A) peritoneum (B) peristalsis (C) cyclosis (D) polarisation

24. In amoeba absorption of the digested nutrients occurs in
(A) contractile vacuole (B) plasma membrane (C) cytoplasm (D) pseudopodia

25. Coiled and well developed alimentary canal first developed in
(A) Protozoans (B) Mammals (C) Arthropods (D) Poriferans

26. Digestion of starch starts from
(A) stomach (B) intestine (C) oesophagus (D) mouth

27. The path taken by food material after ingestion is represented by
(A) Mouth  =>  Pharynx  => Oesophagus => Stomach
(B) Mouth  => Pharynx  => Oesophagus  => Small Intestine
(C) Mouth => Oesophagus  => Stomach  => Pharynx
(D) Oesophagus  => Mouth => Pharynx => Stomach

28. Teeth involved in cutting of food material are called
(A) canines (B) incisors (C) molars (D) premolars

29. Ptyalin enzyme is secreted by
(A) salivary glands (B) mouth (C) oesophagus (D) stomach (E) none of these

30. Villi are present on
(A) stomach (B) large intestine (C) small intestine (D) mouth (E) none of these

31) Which colour is not absorbed by Chlorophyll
a)Red  b) Blue  c) Blue & Red   d) Green

32) Light reaction takes place in _________ of chlorophyll.
a) Thylokoids  b) Grana  c) Both a) and b)   d) Do not take place in Chlorophyll

33) Ptylin helps in the digestion of __________
a) Proteins b) Fats c) Carbohydrates d) Cellulose

34) The enzyme which is secreted in excess in infants is_____
a) Pepsin b) Renin c) Amylase d) Lypase

35) Pepsin acts in which medium?
a) Acidic b) Alkaline c) Neutral d) all of the following

36) The end product of carbohydrate digestion is:
a) Maltose b) Sucrose c) Glucose d) Lactose

37) Appendix in humans is:
a) Vestigial b) Stores Bile c) digest vegetables c) Secrete Pepsin

38) Saliva acts in which medium?
a) Acidic b) Alkaline c) Neutral d) all of the following

39) _________ are required for the body building.
a) Proteins b) Fats c) Carbohydrates d) None

40) Gall Bladder:
a) Secretes Bile b) Stores Bile c) Digest HCl c) Secrete Pepsin

41) The phenomenon of breaking of water in the chloroplast in the presence of sunlight
during the light reaction is;
a) Photolysis b) Digestion c) Prolysis d) Phyrolysis

42)___________ energy of the food is utilized by the living organisms.
a) Potential b) Mechanical c) Chemical d) None

43) Enzymes are:
a) Proteins b) Fats c) Carbohydrates d) None

44) The mode of nutrition in plasmodium, which is responsible for casing malaria is:
a) Saprophytic nutrition b) Parasitic nutrition.
c) Holozoic Nutrition d) All of the above

45) The largest gland of human body is:
a) Pancreas b) Liver c) Salivary glands d) None
46. Osmosis is the movement of :
(A) solute particles from higher concentration to lower concentration
(B) solvent particles from higher water potential to lower water potential through a semi permeable
(C) solute particles from higher concentration to lower concentration through a semipermeable membrane
(D) solvent particles from lower water potential to higher water potential.

47. The ultimate cause for the movement of water against the gravity in a tree is
(A) osmosis (B) transpiration (C) imbibitions (D) photosynthesis

48. Which one of the following is connected with transport of water in plants ?
(A) Phloem (B) Xylem (C) Epidermis (D) Cambium

49. Which of the following contributes most to transport of water from the ground to the leaves of a tall tree ?
(A) Breakdown of ATP (B) Capillary rise of water is xylem
(C) Cohesion of water and transpiration pull (D) Root pressure.

50. The process of transpiration in plants helps in
(A) opening of stomata (B) absorption of Carbondioxide from atmosphere
(C) upward conduction of water and minerals (D) absorption of Oxygen gas from atmosphere

51. Opening and closing of stomata is due to
(A) pressure of gases inside the leaves (B) changes of turgor pressure in guard cells
(C) effect of hormones (D) their genetic constitution

52. The carbohydrates synthesized in the leaves are transported through sieve tubes most commonly in the
form of
(A) glucose (B) starch (C) sucrose (D) cellulose

53. In a closed circulatory system, blood is completely enclosed with in
(A) sinuses (B) vessels (C) heart (D) skeleton

54. An artery is a vessel that carries blood
(A) with high concentration of oxygen (B) with high concentration of CO2
(C) away from the heart (D) both A & C

55. Values are found in veins to check the backflow of blood flowing under
(A) low pressure (B) high pressure (C) no pressure (D) atmospheric pressure.

56. Water will be absorbed by root hair when
(A) concentration of solutes in the cells sap in high
(B) plant in rapidly respiring
(C) they are separated from soil by a permeable membrane
(D) concentration of salts in the soil in high.

57. Root cap has no role in water absorption because
(A) it has no direct connection with the vascular system
(B) it has no cells containing chloroplasts
(C) it has no root hairs
(D) it has loosely arranged cells.

58. Which of the following is used in measuring transpiration ?
(A) Photometer (B) Cobalt chloride paper (C) Bell - jar (D) None of the above

59. Translocation of solutes primarily takes place through
(A) phloem (B) xylem (C) cortex (D) pith.

60. A mature human erythrocyte has the typical characteristic of
(A) a eukaryotic cell (B) a prokaryotic cell
(C) both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell (D) neither eukaryotic nor prokaryotic cell

61. Removal of calcium from freshly collected blood will
(A) result in clotting (B) prevent clotting
(C) prevent oxidation of hemoglobin (D) cause hemolysis

62. In the cardiac cycle, diastole is
(A) the number of heart beats per minute
(B) the relaxation period after contraction of the heart
(C) the forceful pumping action of the heart
(D) the contraction period after relaxation of the heart.

63. One of the difference between blood and lymph is that
(A) blood has RBCs and WBCs while lymph has Lymphocytes.
(B) blood has RBCs while lymph has no WBCs
(C) blood has WBCs while lymph has RBCs
(D) blood has dissolved organic salts while lymph has no such inorganic salt.

64. Blood vessel carrying blood from lung to heart through
(A) Pulmonary artery (B) Pulmonary vein (C) Coronary artery (D) None of these.
Which of the following parts of a kidney contains the lowest concentration of urea ?
(A) Lop of Henle (B) Branches of renal vein
(C) Bowman’s capsule (D) Glomerulus

65. Uriniferous tubules of a kidney are concerned with formation of
(A) glucose (B) amino acids (C) hormones (D) urine

66. Excretion is removal of
(A) CO2 (B) harmful and useless ingredients
(C) extra water (D) metabolic wastes

67. Main function of kidney is
(A) passive absorption (B) ultrafiltration
(C) selective reabsorption (D) Both B and C

68. Ammonia is converted into urea in
(A) kidney (B) spleen (C) liver (D) nephron

69. Function of loop of Henle is
(A) conservation of water (B) formation of urine
(C) filtration of blood (D) passage of urine

70. Urea is transported through
(A) RBCs (B) WBCs (C) Plasma (D) All of the above

71. Major function of contractive vacuole is
(A) excretion (B) circulation (C) osmoregulation (D) all the above

72. Which one is a accessory excretory organ
(A) Liver (B) Stomach (C) Intestine (D) Heart
The process of respiration is concerned with
(A) liberation of oxygen (B) liberation of carbon dioxide
(C) liberation of energy (D) intake of oxygen

73. The common immediate source of energy for cellular activity is

74. The tissue respiration refers to
(A) inspiration (B) external respiration (C) internal respiration (D) expiration

75. If the CO2 concentration in the blood increases, the rate of breathing will
(A) decrease (B) stop (C) increase (D) have no effect

76. The phenomenanon of uptake of water at the expense of energy by the cells and usually against the osmotic gradient is known as
(A) active absorption (B) passive absorption (C) osmosis (D) diffusion

77. Vocal cards occur in
(A) pharynx (B) glottis (C) bronchial tube (D) larynx

78. In man, which of the following structures is analogous to the spiracles of cockroach ?
(A) Alveoli (B) Lungs (C) Bronchioles (D) Nostrils

79. Which of the following prevents collapsing of trachea ?
(A) Diaphragm (B) Ribs (C) Cartilaginous ring (D) Muscles

80. Which of the following gases makes the most stable combination with the hemoglobin of red blood cells.
(A) CO2 (B) CO (C) O2 (D) N2

81. Volume of air inspired or expired with each normal breath is called
(A) tidal volume (B) inspiratory capacity
(C) total lung capacity (D) residual volume

82. Most of the carbon dioxide in the blood is carried in the form of
(A) carbonic acid (B) bicarbonates
(C) carbaminohaemoglobin (D) dissolved CO2
Breathing rate in mammals in controlled by a part of the brain called the
(A) thalamus (B) hypothalamus (C) medulla oblongata (D) cerebellum

83. In anaerobic respiration
(A) O2 is taken in (B) CO2 is taken in (C) O2 is given out (D) CO2 is given out

84. Disease called pleurisy is due to
(A) inflammation of pleura (B) inflammation of trachea
(C) inflammation of alveoli (D) none of these above

85. Leaves respire with the help of
(A) lenticles (B) stomata (C) plasmodesmata (D) cuticle
86. Correct statement is
(A) roots of plant respire through lenticles and stomata.
(B) stem of plant respire through lenticles
(C) both A and B are correct
(D) both A and B are incorrect

87.Which of the following is not a characteristic of good respiratory surface ?
(A) Thin and moist (B) Large surface area
(C) Close to oxygen and gas transport (D) Thick and dry surface

88. Respiration in yeast
(A) takes place in the presence of oxygen (B) yields lactic acid and carbon dioxide
(C) in anaerobic and produces carbon dioxide (D) takes place only in darkness

89. Muscle cells engaged in vigorous activity build up a high concentration of
(A) lactic acid (B) pyruvic acid (C) alcohol (D) cholesterol

90. Exchange of respiratory gases takes place in an earthworm through
(A) moist skin (B) gills (C) trachea (D) lungs

91. Oxygen is transported in blood mainly by
(A) leucocytes (B) erythrocytes (C) thrombocytes (D) blood plasma




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