1.The vitamin(s),which is/are generally excreted
 in urine,is/are
(a) vitamin A             (b) vitamin B       
 (c) vitamin C             (d) vitamins D and K 
2.Which one among the following is a major source of sugar?
(a) Watermelon        (b) Beetroot        (c) Sugarcane             (d)Date
3.Consider the following:
1.Photosynthesis          2.Respiration   
  3.Decay of organic matter         4.Volcani action
Which  add carbon dioxide to the carbon cycle ?
(a)    1 and 4 only         (b) 2 and 3 only         
(c) 2,3 and 4 only           (d) All of these
4. Deficiency of which of the following elements is
 responsible for weakening of bones?
1.Calcium                 2.Phosphorus            
  3.Nitrogen              4.Carbon
Choose the correct one:
(a) 1 and 2 only         (b) 1 only            
 (c) 1,2 and 3         (d) None of these
5.Two strands of DNA are held together by:
(a) hydrogen bonds        (b) covalent bonds        
(c)electrostatic force          (d)Vander Waal's forces

6. ltching due to insect bite is caused by
 (a) formic acid               (b) acetic acid         (c) lactic acid                 (d) maleic acid

7. Regular intake of fresh fruits and vegetables are recommended in the diet since they, are good source of antioxidants. How do antioxidants help  a person in order to maintain the health and promoting congevity?

(a)  They activate the enzymes necessary for vitamin synthesis in the  body and help in order to prevent the vitamin deficiency
(b) They prevent excessive oxidantion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins,  in the body and help in order to avoid the unnecessary wastage of  energy
(c) They neutralize the free radicals produced in the body during  tnetabolism
(d) They activate certain genes in the cells of the body and help in delay  the ageing process

8. Biodiversity forms the bases for human existence in the following ways
1. Soil formation        
  2. Prevention of soil erosion         
 3. Recycling of waste              
4.Pollination of crops
Choose the correct one:
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only         (b) 2, 3and 4 only    (c) 1 and 4 only         (d)1, 2, 3and 4  

9.  The study of Annual rings is called :
(a) dendrology    (b)dendrochronology           (c) agronomy      (d) horticulture

10. The study of fruits is called:
 (a) spermology       (b) anthology                      (c) pedology            (d) pomology

11. The study of internal structure of the plants is called ;
(a) morphology              (b) taxonomy                (c) anatomy                   (d) histology

12. If excess fertilizer is applied to a plant without waste water, the plant will
(a) be stunted in growth                                   (b) develop modifications           
 (c) die due to plasmolysis                                (d)  remain unaffected

13. Common garden plants and tips of leaves in grasses shows water drops in early morning hours. This water accumulation is obtained from
(a) atmosphere                      (b) stomata          (c) vascular                         (d) hydathodes

l4. The bark of a tree gradually dries up and dies, when it is removed in a circular fashion all around near its base because: 
(a) water from soil cannot rise to aerial parts             
   (b) tree is infected by soil microbes
 (c) roots are starved of energy                           (d) None of these

l5. Which one among the following animal tissues transports hormones and heat and maintains water balance ?
(a) Connective tissue    (b) Muscular tissue      c) Blood                (d) Nervous tissue

16. Which among the following plants cannot be multiplied by cutting ?
a) rose           b) bryophyllum                          c) banana      d) marigold

17.Cattle are capable of digesting cellulose present 
in the grass and/or fodder that they eat .
This ability is attributed to the
(a) presence of cellulose degrading bacteria in the rumen     
 (b) production of cellulose by the cattle rumen
(c) acids present in the rumen                                               
  (d) prolonged retention of cellulose in the rumen
18.Why are pregnant women recommended
 substantial intake of green leafy vegetables 
in their diet, especially in the 1st trimester?
(a) They are a rich source of chlorophyll                                
(b)They are a rich source of lecithin
(c) They are a rich source of folic acid which is required for DNA synthesis
(d) They are a rich source of essential fatty acids required for cell anabolism
19.What causes dough(a mixture of flour,water etc.) 
to rise when yeast is added to it?
(a) An increase in the temperature                            
 (b) An increase in the amount of the substance
(c) An increase in the number of yeast,cells              
d) None of these
20.Which of the following structures of a plant 
is responsible for transpiration?
(a) Xylem       (b) Root         (c) Stomata        (d) Bark
21._____________ does not possess a specialized 
conducting tissue for transport of water 
and other substances in plants?
(a ) Marchantia                (b) Marsilea        
 (c) Cycas                (d) Fern
22.Who was the inventor of bacteria?
(a) Leeuwenhock              (b) Robert Hooke            
 (c) Robert Koach              (d) Louis Pasteur
23.Human body's main organ of balance is located in
(a) inner part of ear           (b) top part of vertebral column      
c) front part of brain         (d)middle
24.In soil, water that is readily available to plant roots is:
(a) gravitational water       (b) capillary water                 
  c) hygroscopic water                (d) None of these
25. The food poisoning is caused by:
a) clostrideam titeni           b) clostrideam boutulium        
C)  halophytes                            d) succulents
26. Plants which grow on saline soils are
a) xerophtes                        b) hydrophytes                         
c) halophytes                            d) succulents
27. A deficiency of which one of the following minerals 
is most likely to lead to an immunodeficiency ?
a) calcium          b) zinc                  c) lead                d) copper

28.Which among the following is the correct increasing
 order of pH found in human body?
(a) Gastric juice,saliva,blood                     
  (b)  Blood,saliva,gastric juice
(c) Saliva,blood,gastric juice                  
  (d) Gastric Juice,blood,saliva  cndgl io nolgbnhg
29.Mosquito can be a vector for following diseases except 
(a)Yellow fever                  (b) Dengue fever                       
(c) Filaria                     (d) Kala-azar
30.Which part of brain controls fine movement, 
mantains balance and equilibrium of the body and 
muscle tone in a human being?
(a) Cerebrum            (b) Thalamus                  
(c) Cerebellum           (d) Hypothalamus 
31.Among the following animals,choose the one 
having three pairs of legs:
(a) Spider        (b) Scorpian        (c) Bug         (d) Mite
32.Environment is a composite state of:
(a) biotic factors oodürs         (b) physiographic factors    
   (c) abiotic factors        (d) all of the above  
33.Goitre/excessive growth of thoroid gland 
causes by the deficiency of:
(a) Iodine       (b) Iron       c) Calcium    (d) Potasium
34.Thebacteria which does the workofnitrogen 
fixatioinin thelegumeneous plants is:
(a) Azetovector           (b) Nitrovector                
(c) Rizhobium                 (d) Sudomonas
35.Which component of plants receives stemulus 
for flowering?
(a) stems                     (b) branches                    
(c) leaves                          (d) roots
36. Which one of the following is an artifical 
(a) Pond    (b) Field    (c) Forest     (d) None of these 
37.The pH value of the human blood is:
(a) 7.2       (b) 7.8        (c) 6.6            (d) 7.4
38.Teeth decay is caused by:
(a)Viral infection        (b) Contiminated water      
(c) Bacterial infection        (d) Genetic cause
39.Which of the following was the first 
successful clone?
(a) Sheep                       (b) Goat                          
   (c) Rabbit                            (d) None of these
40.AIDS is caused by:
(a) lack of T-4 lymphocytes        (b)bacterial infection
(c)lack of riboflobin                   (d)None of these
41.Within an animal coll the most abundant 
inorganic constituent of protoplasm is:
(a) phosphate        (b) iron      (c) water    (d) none of these
42. Leishmania the causative agent of 
Kala – azar, multiples asexually by
a) binary fission                      b) budding                
c) sporogony                    d) none of these
43. Genetics deals with :
(a) Mendel's laws       
b) Organic evolution    
c) Heredity and variations 
  (d) DNA structure

 44. Mendel's principles of inheritance are based on
(a) vegetative reproduction      
(b) asexual reproduction 
 (c) sexual reproduction  
  (d) all of the these

45. What is 'breakbone fever' most commonly known as ?
 (a) Rhinitis                        (b) Typhoid               (c) Dengue                        (d) None of these

46. Chemically silk fibres are predominantly
 (a) Protein                 (b) Carbohydrate          (c) Complex lipid      
 (d) Mixture of polysaccharide and fat

 47. Administering a vaccine provides protection by inducing synthesis of antibodies (proteins) specific to the vaccine. The cell in the body responsible for the production of antibodies is
 (a) granulocyte        
(b) lymphocyte               
c) erythrocyte (red blood cell)     
 (d) platelet

 48. Which of the following is a viral disease ?
 (a) small pox               (b) tuberculosis           (c) malaria                    (d) cholera

49. The disease of foot and mouth in the animals are caused by
(a) bacteria                   (b) fungi                  
 (c) protozoa                   (d) virus

50. Embryo is found in
(a) flowers                    (b) leaves                        (c) seeds                         (d) buds

51. The cell wall of algae is made from
 (a) chitin                     (b) suberin                       (c)   seeds                    (d) cutin 

 52. Sandalwood tree is considered a
(a) total root parasite                      
 b) stem parasite cellulose
(c) total stem parasite                         
d) partial root parasite

53. The biofertilizer used for the paddy crops is
(a) Azeto vector species                  
 b) rizhobium species
(c) fangal root fungal                        
 (d) blue-green algae BIAS

 54. Which one among the following is not a sexually transmitted disease ?
(a) Syphilis       (b) Gonorrhea                           (c) Scurvy       (d) Hepatitis B

55. After diagnosis of disease in a person, the doctor advises the patient iron and folic acid tablets. The person is suffering from ;  
(a) osteoporosis     (b) anaemia               
 c) goiter                 (d) protein-energy malnutrition

56. Blood does not coagulate inside the body due to the presence of
 (a) Haemoglobin                (b) Heparin             (c) Fibrin                             (d) Plasma


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