1. Health is.
(A) Complete physical well being
(B) social well being
(C)  mental well being
(D) all of the above

2. Dislocation is a disease caused by
(A) Biological agent
(B) mechanical agent
(C) physical agent
(D) none of these

3. A carrier is a human being that
(A) functions as a reservoir of infection
(B) possesses pathogen but is not harmed
(C) contains antibodies sufficient enough to balance the antigen
(D) all of the above

4. Droplet infection is a mode of.
(A) direct transmission
(B) indirect transmission
(C)pathogen spread through mosquitoes
(D) tomite transmission

5. Specific defence mechanism against disease comprises
(A physical barrier
(B) lysozme
 (C) phagocytes
(D) immune system

6. The antigen present in pathogen is
(A) a specific protein or polysaccharide present on its coat
(B) polysaccharide synthesized by it in the host
(C)a specific protein involved in metabolism
(D) either B, or C.

7. Pathogens are destroyed by
(A) kidneys
(B) liver
(C) tonsils
(D) lymphatic tissues

8. A noninfectious unusual and Unnatural  reaction to a substance or condition is
(A) immunity
(B) allergy
(C) infection
(D) toxin

9. AlDS was first reported in.
(A) Russia
(B) France
(C) U.S.A.
(D) Germany

10. If a person has developed interferon in his body. He seems to carry infection of
(A) Tetanus
(B) Malaria
(C) Measles
(D) Typhoid

11. AIDS day.
(A) 1st May
(B) 20th December 
(C) 1st June 
(D) 1st December

12. Antibodies are.
(A) lipids
(B) genes
(C) proteins
(D) carbohydrates

13. Choose the  correct statements ?
(A) Degenerative diseases are non communicable
(B) Allergy is caused by droplet infection
(C) Cholera is a viral disease
(D) AIDS can be prevented by vaccination.

14. Remain healthy means
(A) free of infection by pathogen
(B)Living in a pollution free environment
(C) tension free mental status
(D) All of the above

15. Diseases occurring due to infected articles of a patient are called
(A) Air borne
(B) Water borne
(C) Fomite borne
(D) Food bome

16. World Health Day Is On.
(A) 1ST May
(B) 7TH April
(C) 30th June
(D) 5th December

17. Which are intimately related.
(A) Diseases and health
(B) Body and spiritual health
(C) Mind & body
(D) Body and health

18. Pulse polio programme is organised in our country for.
(A) curing polio
(B) eradicating polio
(C) spreading polio
(D) non of the above

19. Community health aims at.
(A) better health and family planning
(B) better hygiene and clean environment
(C) removing communicable diseases
(D) all of the above

20. Head quarter of work Health Organisation(WHO) is located at.
(A) New York
(B) Geneva
(C) Paris
(D) none of these

21. Soil is a part of
(A) atmosphere
(B) lithosphere
(C) hydrosphere
(D) ionosphere

22. Maximum air in which we breath is present at
(A) troposphere
B) stratosphere
C) ionosphere
D) mesosphere

23. Biogeochemical cycles are also known as
(A) sedimentary cycles
(B) gaseous cycles
(C) material cycles
(D) cycles of water

24. Which of the following is a free living nitrogen fixing bacteria present in soil ?
(A) Azotobacter
(B) Nitrosomonas
(C) Rhizobium
(D) pseudomonas

25. Carbondioxide and Oxygen gas balance in atmosphere is due to
(A) Photosynthesis
(B) respiration
(C) leaf anatomy
(D) photorespiration

26. Nitrogen fixation is
(A) Nitrogen Ammonia
(B) Nitrogen nitrates
(C) Nitrogen Amino acid
(D) Both A and B

27. Soil erosion can be prevented by
(A) deforestation
(B) afforestation
(C) overgrazing
(D) removal of vegetation

28. A renewable source of energy is
(A) petroleum
(B) coal
(C) nuclear fuel
(D) Nine of these

29. Percentage of nitrogen in air is
(A) 77.02%
(B) 78.09%
(C) 76.08%
(D) 74.09%

30. Ozone layer is present in atmosphere in
(A) troposphere
(B) stratosphere
(C) mesosphere
(D) thermosphere

31. Nodules in the roots of legume plants contain
(A) nitrogen fixing bacteria
(B) sulphur fixing bacteria
(C) potassium fixing bacteria
(D) none of the above

32. Which gas is manly responsible for the depletion of ozone layer ?
(A) oxygen
(C) Nitrogen dioxide
(D) All of the above

33. Acid rain mainly contains
(A) nitric acid
(B) hydrochloric acid
(C) Sulphuric acid
 (D) both (A) and (C)

34. Plants and animals are known as
(A) biotic resources
(B) Abiotic resources
(C) machines
(D) none of these

35. Coal is an / a
(A) exhaustible resource
(B) inexhaustible resource
(C) potential resource
(D) none of these

36. Ozonosphere occurs at height of
(A) 8-10km above poles
(B) 8-10km above equator
(C) 20-26 km above the earth surface
(D) 11-16km above equator

37. Biosphere is made of
(A) living beings and their remains
(B) living beings, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere
(C) living beings and lithosphere
(D) living beings, lithosphere and hydrosphere.

38. Soil erosion can be prevented by
(A) deforestation
(B) afforestation
(C) overgrazing
(D) removal of vegetation

39. Which one of the following is renewable resource ?
(A) water
(B) Metals
(C) Fossil fuel
(D) All of these

40. Which gas is responsible for the global warming
(A) Oxygen
(B) Nitrogen
(C) Hydrogen 
(D) Carbondioxide



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