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TYPE - 1

1. The mode of nutrition in all fungi is characteristically
(A) Symbiotic (B) autotrophic (C) holozoic (D) saprotrophic

2. The reserve food in fungi is
(A) starch (B) cyanophycean starch
(C) glycogen (D) glycogen and fat

3. The algal partner of a lichen is called as
(A) Mycobiont (B) Phycobiont
(C) Both of the (A) and (B) (D) None of the above

4. Pteridophytes are known as
(A) sea plants (B) vascular cryptogames
(C) club mosses (D) horse tails

5. Gymnosperms are characterized by
(A) non-motile male gametes (B) naked seeds
(C) Winged seeds (D) true fruits

6. Which one is mismatched?
(A) Flagella …………. Euglena (B) Pseudopodia ………… Amoeba
(C) Cilia ………Paramecium (D) Flagella ……….. Plasmodium

7. Contractile vacuole is present in
(A) Amoeba (B) Euglena
(C) Paramecium (D) All of the above

8. ‘Venus flower basket’ is the dried skeleton of
(A) Euspongia (B) Euplectella (C) Spongilla (D) Leucosolenia

9. Choanocytes are unique to
(A) Protozoa (B) Porifera (C) Mollusca (D) Echinodermata

10. Cnidaria is characterised by
(A) nematoblasts (B) coelenteron
(C) tissue level of organisation (D) all of the above

11. Mesoglea is characteristic of
(A) Platyhelminthes (B) Aschelminthes (C) Cnidaria (D) Mollusca

12. True jelly fish (e.g., Aurelia) belongs to class
(A) Hydrozoa (B) Anthozoa (C) Scyphozoa (D) Both B and C

13. Polymorphism is exhibited by
(A) Hydra (B) Physalia (C) ) Octopus (D) Crab

14. Comb jellies belong to
(A) Scyphozoa (B) Hydrozoa (C) Ctenophora (D) Both A and B

15. Platyhelminthes are called
(A) round worms (B) flat worms (C) blind worms (D) none of the above

16. In Platyhelminthes, the excertory organs are.
(A) nephridia (B) malpighian tubules
(C) flame cells (solenocytes) (D) green glands

17. Platyhelminthes are
(A) coelomates (B) pseudiocoelomates (C) ) haemocoelomates (D) Acoelomates

18. The common name for Ascaris is
(A) shipworm (B) pinworm (C) tapeworm (D) round worm

19. Metamerism is characteristic feature of
(A) Chordata (B) Annelida (C) Mollusca (D) Nematoda

20. The excretory organs of Annelida are
(A) nephridia (B) statocysts (C) archeocytes (D) none of the above

TYPE - 2

1. The first person to observe a cell under microscope was
(A) M. Schleiden
(B) T. Schwann
(C) Robert Hook
(D) A.V.Leeuwenhoek

2. Cell theory was propounded by
(A) Morgan
(B) Halden
(C) Schleiden and Schwann
(D) Robert Hooke

3. The word cell was coined by
(A) Robert hooke
(B) Weismann
(C) Cuvier
(D) Darwin

4. Nucleus discovered by
(A) Robert Hooke
(B) Robert Brown
(C) Dujardin
(D) Purkinje

5. Smallest cells so far known are
(A) Bacteria
(B) blue green algae
(D) human egg

6. Which of the following is the longest cell of animal kingdom?
(B) Nerve cell
(C) Virus
(D) Muscle cell

7. Which one of the following is an example of prokaryotic cell?
(A)Typical plant cell
(B) Typical animal cell
(C) Bacteria
(D) None of these

8. What is cytology?
(A) Study of cytoplasm
(B) Study of structure and composition of cell
(C) Study of animal cell only
(D) Study of cell only

9. Who coined term protoplasm?
(B) Purkinje
(C) Robert hooke
(D) Robert Brown

10. Cell is
(A) Hereditary unit of life 
(B) Structural unit of life
(C) Functional unit of life
(D) all of the above

11. What is more abundant in smooth endoplasmic reticulum?
( A) Cistemae and vesicle
(B) Tubules
(C) Tubules and vesicles
(D) Cistemae

12. Mitochondria are concerned with
(A) Kreb cycle
(B) C, cycle
(C) glycolysis
(D) none of the above

13. Which of the following organelle is the site of Kreb cycle?
(A) Ribosome’s
(B) Lysosomes
(C) eukaryotic cells
(D) Nucleus

14. Mitochondria are absent in
(A) Prokaryotic cells
(B) RBC of mammals
(C) eukaryotic cells
(D) (A) and (B) Both

15. Mitochondria stores energy in from of
(A) Heat energy
(C) light energy
(D) none of the above

16. The ATP synthesizing units of Mitochondria are
(A) Oxysomes
(B) peroxysomes
(C) glyoxysomes
(D) lysosomes

17. Lipid synthesis is performed by
(A) Rough ER
(B) smooth ER
(C) both of above
(D) none of the above

18. Who observed Mitochondria at first?
(A) Porter
(B) Palade
(C) Koliker
(D) Camilo Golgi

19. Detoxification of body is done by?
(A) Mitochondria
(B) lysosomes
(C) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
(D) rough endoplasmic reticulum

20. Golgi apparatus is made of
(A) Cisternae
(B) vesicles
(C) golgian vacuoles
(D) all of the above

21.Which of the following is called as ‘Suicidal bags’ ?
(A) Centrosome
(B) Lysosome
(C) Microsome
(D) Mesosomes

22. Eukaryotic ribosomes are
(A) 30s
(B) 50s
(C) 80s
(D) 70s

23. Plastids that are white in colour (Pigment free)
(B) lysosome
(C) leucoplast
(D) Chromoplast

24. Striking difference between a plant cell and an animal cell is due to the presence
(A) mitochondria
(B) plasma membrane
(C) cell wall
(D) ribosome

25. Tonoplast is the membrane surrounding the
(A) cytoplasm
(B) vacuole
(C) nucleus
(D) mitochondria

26. Lysosomes are responsible for
(A) protein synthesis
(B) digestion of organic molecules
(C)fat synthesis
(D) fat emulsification

27. In prokaryotic cell
(A) nucleus is developed
(B) membrane bounded organelles are present
(C) double membrane bounded organelles are absent
(D) none of these

28. A typical plant cell contains
(A) cell well
(B) plastids
(C) large vacuole
(D) all of the above

29. The waste disposal system of cell is formed by
(A) lysosomes
(B) peroxysomes
(C) mitochondria
(D) glyoxysomes

30. In which cell Centriole is absent ?
(A) plant cell
(B) Animal cell
(C) Both of above
(D) None of above

31 A group of cells having common origin and performing similar function is called
(A) tissue
(B) organ
(C) organ system
(D) cell aggregate

32. Meristems are cells that
(A) store food
(B) help in excretion
(C) provide support
(D) divide continuously to produce new cells

33. Plant length is increased by the activity of
(A) apical meristem
(B) lateral meristem
(C) cambium
(D) all of the above

34. In plants, cell division is restricted to
(A) Meristematic cells
(B) permanent cells
(C) xylem
(D) phloem

35. In grasses the length of increases by the activity of
(A) apical meristem
(B) intercalary meristem
(C) lateral meristem
(D) none of these

36. Special feature of dividing cells is
(A) large lacuna (B) thick cell walls
(C) dense cytoplasm devoid of lacuna (D) large intercellular spaces

37. Totipotency is present in
(A) meristem
(B) cambium
(C) phloem
(D) cork

38. Which of the following is a feature of Meristematic tissues ?
(A) Thin cell wall
(B) Compact tissue
(C) Large no. of cell organelles are present in the cells of tissues.
(D) All of the above

39. Which of the following plant tissue is formed by permanent tissue ?
(A) primary tissue
(B) Secondary tissue
(C) Both of above
(D) None of above

40. Which of the following plant tissues causes growth in girth of stem and root ?
(A) Apical meristem
(B) Intercalary meristem
(C) Lateral meristem
(D) None of the above

41. A permanent tissue of plant consisting of thin walled living cells is
(A) parenchyma
(B) collenchyma
(C) Sclerenchyma
(D) xylem

42. A permanent plant tissue made up of living cell having thickening at the corners is
A) Sclerenchyma
(B) collenchyma
(C) parenchyma
(D) phloem

43. The main function of Sclerenchyma is to help in the
(A) conduction of food
(B) synthesis of food
(C) exchange of gases
(D) mechanical support

44. The wall of cork cells are thickened by the deposition of
(A) cutin
(B) suberin
(C) lignin
(D) pectin

45. The wax like substance present in the cell wall of onion skin is
(A) pectin
(B) lignin
(C) cellulose
(D) suberin

46. The outer wall of epidermis in stems and leaves has a waxy covering made up of
(A) lignin
(B) suberin
(C) pectin
(D) cutin

47. Collenchyma differs from Sclerenchyma in
(A) retaining cytoplasm at maturity
(B) having thick walls
(C) having a wide lumen
(D) being Meristematic

48. Lignified elongated bead cells are
(A) parenchyma
(B) collenchyma
(C) sclerenchyma
(D) Epidermis

49. Which of the following plant tissue lacks protoplasm at maturity ?
(A) Sclerenchyma
(B) Collenchyma
(C) parenchyma
(D) Epidermis

50. In plants phloem tissues perform the function of
(A) conduction of water
(B) conduction of food
(C) photosynthesis
(D) mechanical support


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