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      1. What was built in Lothal to facilitate the ships?
         a. Hall           b.  Dockyard                 c. Pillar             d. Grill

        2. Who is known as the first keertankar of Maharashtra ?
           a. Saint Dnyaneshwar       b. Saint Tukaram     c. Saint Namdev    d. Saint Ekanth

       3. The sixteen Mahajanapadas are mentioned:
           a. Mahabharta       b. Ramayana            c. Anguttara Nikaya        d. Lalit Vistar

       4. The capital vasta mahajanapada was:
           a. Champa             b. Ujjain                   c. Kaushambi                  d. Patliputra 

        5. Father of history is called: 
           a. Dymekus           b. Talmy                  c. Herodotus                    d. None of theses

        6. Satakarni was the ruler of which dynasty?
             a. Chola                 b. Gupta                  c. Kushana                       d. Satavahana 

        7. During seventeen century B.C. the form of buddism was famous as:
            a. Mahayana         b. Hinayana              c. Vajrayana                   d. Sahajyan

         8. Who  was the direct descendents of stone age civilizations and creator of Mohen – jo –                          Daro’s Sindh culture ?
           a. Aryans            b.  Mongoloids           c. Dravidians                    d. Armenoids 

        9. Which veda is known as Gangotri of Music ?
             a. Rigveda           b. Atharvavedas        c Yujurveda                      d. Samaveda

       10. Which ancient university was situated at Badgaon village of Patna in Bihar ? 
            a. Takshashila      b. Vallabhi               c. Nalanda                         d. Vikramshila
           11.  Name the Indian mathematician who discovered zero. 
           ( a)  Aryabhatta       (b) Bhaskaracharya  (c) Bramagupta             (d) Lilawati
          12. Which book of Maths had been written by Bhaskaracharya?
             (a) Aryabhattiyam       (b) Lilavati Ganit       (c) Dash Gitika       (d) Arya Siddhanth 
           13.Samrat Ashok was ruler of 
              (a) Bhopal  (b)  Patliputra  (c) Delhi      (d) Vidisha

              I4. Most powerful ruler of Gupta dynasty was :
              (a) Shri Gupta (b) Kumar Gupta (c) Skanda Gupta (d) Samudra Gupta
              15. The Rath temples at Mahaballipuram were built by 
                (a) Cholas  (b) Pallavas (c) Chedis (d) Chalukyas 

                16  Who was the ruler of 'Vatsa’  during the time of Buddha?
                  (a) Bodhi (b) Udayana (c) Satanika (d) Nichakshu 

              17. Which is the world's largest Epic?
                  (a) Ramayana (b) Ettutokai Patthuppattu (d) Maiinht„.

               18. In which literature a collection of dialogues between () Buddha and his disciples is                             given?  
                  (a) Sutta Pitaka (b) Vinaya Pitaka (c) (c) Abhidhamma Pitaka (d) Milinda Panha 

               19. Give the name of race known as creator of Mohen-jo-Daro Culture. 
 (a) Australoid (Nishad People) (b) Dravidian (c) Aryans (d) Negroid (Habsi People)  (e) None of theses

             20. Black complexion, broad hand, flat nose, short height etc. were the physical features of                      the tribe called............. 
                  (a) The Dravidians (b) The Armenoids (c) The Mongoloids (d) The Austroloids 
               21.  Goethe ( German poet) was so much impressed by reading which drama that he put it                        on  his head and danced with joy? 
                   (a) Malavikagnimitram         (b) Vikramorvasiyam           (c) Abhigyan Shakuntalam                           (d) Mahavir Charitam 

           22. Big Bath has been found in which of the Indus valley site?
                (a) Harappa (b) Mohenjodaro Lothal (d) Chanhudaro 

            23. Which statement about the position of women in the Rig Vedic society is not true?
                (a) They enjoyed high status in the society. 
                (b) Parda system and child marriages were prevalent. 
                 (c) They had right to higher education. 
                 (d) Dowry was not known.  

           24. When did the first urbanization take place?
               (a) In the new stone age (b) in the Indus Valley civilization (c) During the Mauryan period                     (d) During the Gupta period 

           25. Which ruler of ancient India is known as Devanam Piya Priyadasi?
                     (a) Bindusar (c) Ashoka (b) Chandra Gupta Maurya (d) Brihadratha 

          26. What are tripitakas? 
(a) Vedic Literature (b) Compilation of Buddha's sermons  (c) Main principles of Lord Mahavira 
(d) Compilation of account of Alexander's invasion into India (e) None of theses

         27. Tripitaki texts are related with which religion? 
                      (a) Vedic religion (b) Buddhism (c) Jainism (d) Shaivism

          28. The language of sangam literature was
                    (a) Tamil (b) Bengali (c) Hindi (d) Marathi

          29. Ashoka was the son of 
                   (a) Chandragupta Maurya (b) Brihadratha (c) Bindusar (d) Ramagupta  

           30. The thinker Confucius belonged to the country 
                   (a) England (b) America (c) China (d) Japan 

            31. By whom 'Saka Era' was started? 
                  (a) Kanishka (b) Ashoka (c) Harshrardhan (d) Chandra Gupta civilization was 

            32. Which city was founded by Sikandar Lodi?
                    (a) Allahabad  (b) Sikandarabad (c) Jaunpur   (d) Agra  Indus valley

           33. The great bath of the Indus valley civilizations was discovered in 
                   (a) Harappa     (b) Lothal   (c) Mohenjodaro    (d) Ropar

            34. Lothal is stitauted in
                   (a) Maharashtra     (b) Rajasthan    (c) Pakistan   (d) Gujarat 
            35. Samaveda means:
                (a)  The Book of Knowledge  (b) The Book of Music  (c) The Book of Nature
           (d) The Book of religions
         36, The capital of Kuru was :
          (a) Mathura  (b) Takshashila  (c) Hastinapur   (d) Shravasti
        37. During the invasion on India which Greek intellect ccompanied Alexander?
       a) Herodotus Nearchus   (b) Strabo    (c) Nearchus  (d) Arian
          38. Which of the following  city is not related with Indus civilization?
               a Mohenjodaro     (b) Kalibanga       (c) Lothal      (d) Patliputra
            39. Which of the follow ing was the oldest veda?
              (a) Rigveda (b) Samveda (c) Atharvaveda (d) Yajurveda

            40. Founder of Gupta Dynasty was:
           (a)  Shri Gupta  (b) Kumar Gupta   (c)   Skanda Gupta   (d)  Samudra Gupta
              41. Huen Tsang came in the period of
               (a) Rajvardhan (b) Harshavardhan (C) Balivardhan (d) Shrivardhan

            42. Which city was established by Harihar-Bukka?
              (a) Bahmani  (b) Delhi (c) vijaynagar (d) Mohammad Nagar

            43. Jeevak, the first surgeon, was of
             (a) Varanasi (b) Takshila (c) Rajgrih (d) Pataliputra

             44. Which pillar inscription describes about ‘Samudragupta'?
           (a) Prayag Prashasti (b) Girinar Prashasti (c) Mehrauli Prashasti (d) Sarnath Prashasti

            45. Which epic describes about the Indraprastha Nagar'?
           (a) Ramayan (b) Mahabharata (c) Rigveda (d) Mudra Rakshasa

            46. The reign of ______  witnessed the golden age of Mesopotamia.
            (a) Nebuchadnezzar (b) Summu Abu (c) Hammurabi (d) Saragan I

            47. ‘Zend Avesta' is the holy book of the __________
             (a) Greeks (b) Romans (c) Parsees (d) Egypt

            48. Among the following who is called 'Light of Asia'?
              (a) Mahavira (b) Buddha (c) Akbar (d) Ashoka

           49. The Upanishads are
            (a)  book on social behavior man (b) books of ancient Hindu law
            (c) a source of Hindu philosophy (d) prayers to God


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