1. Which one of the following includes only macronutrients?
(A) C,N, Ca
(B) H, Fe, P
(C) O, K, Cl
(D) K, S, Zn

2. Transfer of seedling from the nurseries to the main field is termed as
(A) weeding
(B) sowing
(C) transplantation
(D) ploughing

3. The unwanted wild plants growing alonwith the crop plants are called
(A) weeds
(B) seedling
(C) minor crops
(D) grasses

4. Damp grains in storage gets heated due to
(A) infestation by insects
(B) decrease in humidity
(C) decrease in atmospheric pressure
(D) high moisture content and growth of moulds

5. Green maturing refers to
(A) add green leaves to the soil
(B) grow young and green crops of leguminous plants along with non leguminous
(C) add decomposed organic matter to soil
(D) none of these

6. Vermicomposting involves
(A) earthworm
(B) cockroach
(C) leech
(D) roundworm

7. Improved storage structures include
(A) grain silos
(B) pusa bin
(C) pusa kothar
(D) all of these

8. Weedicides among the following are
(A) 2, 4-D, nitrofen, atrazine
(B) atrazine, BHC, pyrethrum
(C) Pyrethrum, EDB, methyl bromide
(D) 2, 4-D , BHC, EDB

9. Which one of the following does not cause plant diseases?
(A) viruses
(B) Bacteria
(C) Protozoa
(D) Fungi

10. EDB is a very effective
(A) rodent bait
(B) spraying insecticide
(C) fumigant for killing insects
(D) preservative of food grains

11. The branch of  science that deal with the study of vegetable culture is called as
(A) Agriculture
(B) Horticulture
(C) Olericulture
(D) Floriculture

12. All animals are
(A) Parasitic
(B) saprophytic
(C) autotrophic
(D) heterotrophic

13. The principal cereal crop of India is
(A) wheat
(B) rice
(C) maize
(D) sorghum

14. which is the most important source of food and fodder ?
(A) Algae
(B) Fungi
(C) Lichen
(D) Cereal

15. The element which is required in largest quantity by plants is
(A) sulphur
(B) calcium
(C) phosphorus
(D) nitrogen

16. Nodules with nitrogen – fixing bacteria are present in
(A) mustard
(B) wheat
(C) gram
(D) cotton

17. Application of nitrogenous manure to a plant causes
(A) vigorous vegetative growth
(B) early flowering
(C) early
(D) growth retardation due to toxicity to NH3

18. Rotation of crops is essential for
(A) getting different kinds of crops
(B) increasing fertility of soil
(C) increasing quality of proteins
(D) increasing quality of minerals

19. The unwanted plants are known as
(A) grasses
(B) shrubs
(C) weeds
(D) fodder crops

20. Plants can be made disease resistant by
(A) breeding
(B) hormones
(C) colchicine
(D) heat

21. Murrah, Surti and Mehsana are the indigenous breeds of
(A) cows
(B) buffaloes
(C) poultry
(D) pigs

22. Inland fisheries is referred to
(A) culturing fish in fresh water
(B) deep sea fisheries
(C) extraction of oil from fishes
(D) capturing fishes from seas

23. chemical used to kill rats and moles is called as
(A) fungicide
(B) nematicide
(C) rodenticide
(D) insecticide

24. Cropping pattern involving a definite pattern of rows is called as
(A) crop rotation
(B) mixed cropping
(C) inter cropping
(D) monoculture

25. cattle food rich in one or more nutrients but lacks fibres is called as
(A) roughage
(B) concentrate
(C) sap
(D) none of these

26. IR36 and Pusa Basmati are high yielding varieties of
 (A) rice
(B) wheat
(C) maize
(D) mustard

27. Honey bee culture is called as
(A) pisciculture
(B) apiculture
(C) sericulture
(D) horticulture

28. Hybridization can be
(A) intervarietal
(B)  intergeneric 
(C)  interspecific
(D) all of these

29. The process of applying fertilizers through drip irrigation is called as
(A) strip farming
(B) fertigation
(C) fumigation
(D) none of these

30. The specific term for poultry used for meat purpose is
(A) layers
(B) broilers
(C) growers
(D)none of these




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