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1. There are _______________ rational numbers between two rational numbers.
2. If m is natural numbers & 4<m<9,  then √m  is a/an ______________ numbers.
3. Decimal expansion of irrational number are _____________   and __________
4. Non-terminating and repeating decimal expansion is a/an_______________ numbers.
5. A rational number of the form p/q, where p, q∈Z and H.C.F(p,q) is _____________
6. 55 * 52 + 5 = _________
7. Log(mn) = log __ + log __
8. Log100 = ______
9. loga = _____
10. Every ________ number is a whole number.
11. All counting number together with 0 constitute a set of  ___________ number.
12. The two rational number which are their own multiplicative inverses are  ________
13. Decimal form of irrational number are neither ______________ nor ____________
14. If a and b are two positive rational numbers, then √((a+b)/2) is __________ number.
         p/q: q≠0, then p and q are  _________________
15. The greatest amongest ∛(4,) ∜5&∜3 is _________________
16. ____________ known as the father of mathematics.
17. ____________ known as the father of modern mathematics.
18. Decimal expansion of Rational number is either ___________ or _________ & _________


1. Every whole number is natural number.
2. Multiplcative inverse of 2/3 is -2/3
3. Every natural number is a whole number
4. Every integer is a whole number
5. Some whole number is an integer
6. Every whole number is an integer
7. Every real number is a rational number
8. Every rational number is a rational number
9. Some rational number is a rational number
10. Some whole number is a natural number
11. Every irrational number is a whole number
12. Irrational and real number together form rational number
13. Natural number together with zero a whole number
14. Between every two rational number their exist infinite number
15. Between two rational number their finite irrational number
16. Terminating or non-terminating but recurring is a rational number
17. The sum of an irrational number and non-zero rational number is always an irrational numbers.
18. 2& 5 are twin prime number
19. Zero is even number
20. Square of every real number is positive number.


1. which of the following are co-prime numbers
              (a)   2, 3           (b)   2, 4          (c)   2, 8          (d)   2, 12

       2. A rational number equivalent to 5/7  is
    (a) 18/17    (b)  28/27        (c) 10/14          (d)   10/27

        3. An example of a whole number is
             (a)   0      (b)  -1/2            (c)   11/5         (d)   –7

      4. Given a rational number -5/9. This rational number can also be known as
             (a)   a natural number     (b)   positive integers      (c)   a fraction    (d)   a real number

       5. The rational number 0.3333……can also be written as
             (a)   0.3                (b)  3/10              (c)   0.33                  (d)   1/3      e) None of these

       6. If the decimal form of a number is non-terminating, non-repeating then the number is
      (a)   a natural number                             (b)   a rational number                                                               (c)   a whole number                               (d)   an irrational number          (e) none of these
7.  Select the following number whose square root  is rational
           (a)   7           (b)   1.96         (c)   0.04           (d)   13           e) 12.1

8. The number 1.101001000100001... is
               (a)   a natural number                              (b)   a whole number
                (c)   a rational number                              (d)   an irrational number
9. The number 1.200200200200002... is
               (a)   a natural number                              (b)   a whole number
             (c)   a rational number                             (d)   an irrational number

         10 . Decimal expansion of irrational number is
                a)  Recurring     b) Terminating        c) Terminating and recurring         d) none of these

     11. Decimal expansions of rational number is
                a) terminating                                         b) repeating
                c) non-terminating but recurring             d) all of these

     12. Unit digit of 824 is
               a) 8             b) 4              c) 0          d) 1               e) none of these

     13. which of the following has terminating decimal expansions
               a) 1/3         b) 5/6            c) 7/2           d) 2/15

      14.  The 100 root of (10)^(10)^(10)is
             a) 10^(8^10 )                    b) 10^(10^8 )          c)(√10)^((√10)^10 )        d) 10^(√10^(√10) )

      15. which of the following can be written as p/q
               a) 0.195195……    b) 0.10100……      c)  0.23452346……….    d) 0.5656566……

      16. How many irrational number between 1/3 & 1/7 is :
               a) one               b) two                c) three          d) not defined           e) none of these

      17. The product of √3& ∛5is:
                a) √(6&375)             b) √(6&575)                c)√(6&475)                d) √(6&675)

       18. Which of the following  a rationalization factor of √450
               a) √3               b) √5                        c)√2                           d) None of these

       19. Which of the following numbers does not lies between 3/5 and 4/5
              a) 2/3              b) 7/10                     c) 11/15                       d) None of these

      20. If a and b are integers with a >b. The  integers lies between a and b is
           a) a - b                 b) a – b - 1              c) a – b + 1                   d) none of these

      21. The unit digit of 22.33.44 is
           a) 4                b) 2             c) 8              d) 1         e) None of these

      22. The unit digit of 7735 is
           a) 7                       b) 9                         c) 1                              d) None of these

       23. √x√y=√(xy)  is true when
          a)  x>0,y>0            b) x>0,y<0           c)x<0,y>0         d) All of these

      24. A rational number between √3&√5 is:
           a)(√3+√5)/2                    b) (√3*√5)/2                   c) 1.5                    d) None of these




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