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1. Cleistogamous condition is present in
(A) Brassica oleracea (B) Solanum tuberosum (C) Arachis hypogea (D) Allium cepa

2. Which of the following regenerated with the help of layering?
(A) Cactus (B) Rose (C) Mango (D) Jasmine

3. Development of egg without fertilization is
(A) parthenocarpy (B) polyembryo
(C) parthenogenesis (D) adventive embryony

4. Anemophily is pollination by
(A) air (B) water (C) insects (D) animal

5. Pollination between different flowers of same plant is called
(A) autogamy (B) geitonogamy (C) allogamy (D) xenogamy

6. Double fertilization is
(A) fusion of two male gametes with egg
(B) fusion of one male gamete with egg and the other male gamete with the polar bodies
(C) both are correct
(D) both are incorrect

7. The structure meant for the nourishment of developing embryo in case of plant is
(A) Pollen tube (B) Endosperm
(C) Pollen tube and Endosperm (D) None of these

8. The embryo sac of a typical dicot at the time of fertilization is -
(A) 8 called (B) 7 celled (C) 6 called (D) 5 celled

9. The genetic information is stored in -
(A) DNA (B) RNA (C) Ribosome (D) ER

10. Each female flower consist of
(A) ovary (B) stigma (C) ovary, style and stigma (D) thalamus (E) none of these

11. In mammals, the testes lies in scrotal sacs due to
(A) presence of urinary bladder (B) presence of rectum
(C) long vas-deference (D) requirement of low temperate for spermatogenesis

12. Graffian follicles are found in
(A) testis of mammas (B) ovary of frog (C) ovary of cockroach (D) ovary of mammals

13. Site of fertilization in mammals is
(A) ovary (B) uterus (C) vagina (D) fallopian tube ( E) none of these

14. The process of reproduction which involves only a single parent to form an individual
(A) sexual reproduction (B) asexual reproduction
(C) none of these (D) Both A & B are correct

15. Cowper’s glands are found in
(A) male mammals (B) female mammals (C) male amphibians (D) female amphibians

16. Loss of reproductive capacity in women after age of 45 years is
(A) menstruation (B) ageing (C) menopause (D) menarche

17. Release of oocytes from ovary is
(A) gestation (B) ovulation (C) parturition (D) implantation

18. Acrosome is made up of
(A) mitochondria (B) centrioles (C) golgi bodies (D) ribosomes

19. Acrosome aids the sperm to
(A) penetrate vitelline membrane of ovum (B) find ovum
(C) swim (D) higher activity

20. Progesterone is secreted by
(A) corpus luteum (B) thyroid (C) thymus (D) testis




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