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1. When a red flower homozygous pea plant is crossed with a white flower plant what colour is produced in F1 ?
(A) Red (B) White (C) Pink (D) Red and white (E) None of these

2. Mendel formulated the law of purity of gametes on the basis of
(A) dihybrid cross (B) monohybrid cross (C) back cross (D) test cross (E) None of these

3. A cross between AaBB X aa BB yields a genotypic ratio of
(A) 1 AaBB : 1 aaBB (B) 1 AaBB : 3 aaBB (C) 3AaBB : 1 aa BB (C) All AaBb

4. In monohybrid cross what is the ratio of homozygous dominant and homozygous recessive individual in F2 - generation ?
(A) 1 : 2 : 1 (B) 2 : 1 / 1 : 2 (C) 3 : 1 / 1 : 3 (D) 1 : 1

5. Back cross is a cross between
(A) F1 × F1 (B) F1 × Recessive (C) F1 × Dominant (D) F1 × any parent

6. A white flowered mirabilis plant rr was crossed with a red coloured RR, if 120 plants are produced in F2 generation. The result would be
(A) 90 uniformly coloured and 30 white (B) 90 Non - uniformly coloured and 30 white
(C) 60 Non-uniformly coloured and 60 white (D) All coloured and No white

7. Which one caries extra nuclear genetic material ?
(A) Plastids (B) Ribosomes (C) Chromosomes (D) Golgi - complex

8. The ratio of phenotype in F2 generation of a dihybrid cross is
(A) 3 : 1 (B) 1 : 2 : 1 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1

9. Branch of biology deal s with heredity and variation is called
(A) Palaentology (B) Evolution (C) Genetics (D) Ecology

10. The factors which represent the contrasting pairs of characters are called
(A) Dominant (B) Recessive (C) Determinants (D) Alleles

11. The main aim of plant breeding is
(A) to produce improved varieties (B) to make soil fertile
(C) to control pollution (D) to become more progressive

12. Plants having similar genotypes produced by plant breeding are called
(A) clone (B) haploid (C) autopolyploid (D) genome

13. Two allelic genes are located on
(A) the same chromosome (B) two homologous chromosomes
(C) two non-homologus chromosomes (D) any two chromosomes

14. Mendel’s law of segregation is based on separation of allels during
(A) gamete formation (B) seed formation (C) pollination (D) embryonic development (E) None of these

15. What is the effect of sexual reproduction ?
(A) Offspring is weak (B) Offspring is like the parent (C) Offspring is more vigorous (D) Offspring is diseased

16. Disease resistant varieties can be produced by
(A) crossing a plant with wild variety (B) treating with colchicine
(C) crossing with hormones (D) treating with low temperature

17. Heterozygous tall plants were crossed with dwarf plants, what will be the ratio of dwarf plants in the progeny
(A) 50% (B) 25% (C) 75% (D) 100%

18. A pure tall plant can be differentiated from a hybrid tall plant
(A) by measuring length of plant
(B) by spraying gibberellins
(C) if all plants are tall after self-pollination
(D) if all plants are dwarf after self-pollination

19. Allel is the
(A) alternate trait of a gene pair (B) total number of genes for a trait
(C) total number of chromosomes of haploid set (D) total number of genes present a chromosome

20. In animals sex determination is due to
(A) X-chromosome (B) Y - chromosome (C) A - chromosome (D) B - chromosome



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