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a) Pairs of vertically opposite angles is always equal
b) The sum of all the interior angles of a triangle is 360
c) If the sum of two adjacent angles is 45, then two adjacent angles are acute angles
d) If a line is perpendicular is one of two parallel lines, then it is also perpendicular to the other
e) Two lines are intersected by any transversal, and then their corresponding angles formed are equal
f) Can we have a triangle where all the interior angles are more than 60
g) Sum of two complimentary angles is equal to 90
h) Sum of all the exterior angles of any polygon is always equal to 360

Fill in the blanks 

1. Sum of two supplementary angles is ______
2. Two lines parallel to the same line is ____  each other
3. An acute angle is always less than _____
4. Angles forming a linear pair are ______
5. If one angle of triangle is equal to the sum of other two angles, then the triangle is_____
6. if two straight lines intersect ,the adjacent angles are ______
7. Two angles whose sum is equal to 360 are known as _________
8. The median of an equilateral triangles are ____________
9. Two angles whose sum is equal to 90 are known as _________
10. The angle comes from the latin word ___________, meaning a ____________
11. Cointerior angles are known as ________________ and _________________
12.   Two angles whose sum is equal to 180 are known as _________
13.  Two angles whose sum is equal to  360 are known as _________
Angle                                          30 80 11 87
Complementary angle
       Supplementary angle

13. The median of an equilateral triangles are ____________
14. A triangle is  isosceles if and only iff two altitudes are ______
15. A triangle is  isosceles if and only if any two altitudes are ______
16. Lines which are parallel to the same line are ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_____________ to each other.


1. A pair of adjacent angles is called linear pair if the sum of two adjacent angles is?
a)180          b)90         c)270           d)360

2. An exterior angle of the triangle is 110. And its two opposite interior angles are in the ratio 3:4. What are the values of those angles?
a) 50,60             b) 25,30             c) 30,40           d) 40,48

3. If the ll lines are intersected by a transversal, then each pair of corresponding angles so formed is
a)  Equal        b) complementary          c) supplementary     d) none of these

4. An angle is 140 more than its complementary angle, then angle is
a) 30                      b) 53                   c) 50                  d) none of these

5. If the supplementary of an angle is three times its complement, then angle is
a) 40                      b) 35                   c) 50                 d) 45

6. An angle is 18 less than its complementary angle. Then measure of this angle is
a) 36                      b) 48                   c) 83                  d) 81

7. Supplement of an angle is one fourth to itself. The measure of the angle is :
a) 18                     b) 36                     c) 144               d) 81


                    LIST-A                                      LIST-B
              P) corresponding angles             1) ∠1=∠7
                Q) alternate interior angles       2) ∠4+∠5=180
                R) alternate exterior angles       3) ∠1=∠5
               S) co-interior angles                  4) ∠4=∠6

               P      Q       R      S
a)        4         1        2      3
b)        3         2        4      1
c)        4         2        1      3
d)           3         4        1      2







1.The word polynomial comes from ________________
2.The word polynomial was introduced in latin by _______________________
3.Polynomial with one term is known as_______________
4.Polynomial with two term is known as_______________
5.Polynomial with three term is known as______________
6.Polynomial with four term is known as_______________
7.Polynomial with five term is known as _______________
8.Polynomial of degree 1 is known as _________________
9.Polynomial of degree 2 is known as _________________
10.Polynomial of degree 3 is known as _________________
11.Polynomial of degree 4 is known as ___________________ polynomial
12.Polynomial of degree 5 is known as ___________________ polynomial
13.________________  in 1637 introduced the graph of a polynomial equation
14.If the leading coefficient of a univariate polynomial is one , then it is called ______________
15.A polynomial in one variable is called a ___________________polynomial
16.When P(x) is divided by ( x – a), then P(a)represents ________________
17.If P(c) =  0, then ( x - c ) is a __________ of P(x)
18.X^3 + Y^3 + Z^3 = _________ ,if X + Y + Z is zero.
19.X^3 + Y^3 +Z^3 – 3XYZ = K(X+Y+Z){(X-Y)^2 + (Y-Z)^2 + (Z-X)^2}, then k = _______
20.Every ____________ polynomial has zero.
21.The degree of zero polynomial is __________________
22.The value of 3y^3 – 4y + √11 at y = 2 is _______________
23.If x + y = 4 and xy = 6, then the value of x^3 + y^3 = _______
24.A constant polynomial have  _____________ zero
25.A quadratic polynomial have almost _______ zeros
26.A polynomial of degree n have almost ___________ zeroes
27.A constant polynomial zero is known as ___________ polynomial
28.A zero polynomial have ______________ zeros
29.Every real number is a zero/es of the ________ polynomial
30.A zero of a polynomial ______________ be zero
31.A polynomial can have more than _______ zero
32.Every linear polynomial has _______ and only _______ zero
33.Exponent of every polynomial is _______________ number
34.Degree of x^2 + 3x^4 + 66 is _________________
35.Degree of x^2y^2 + x^3y^2 – 2x^3 is ______________
36.Remainder theorem is also known as ___________


1.A polynomial have more than one zero.
2.The zero of the polynomial p(x) = 2x – 1 is ½.
3.The remainder when p(x) = 2x^3 – 2x^2 + x – 1 is divided by x + 1 is -12.
4.( x + 1) and ( 2x – 3) are factor of polynomial 2x^2 – 9x + 12.
5.2x+ √2is polynomial.
6.X^2 – x^1/2 is polynomial.
7.Y^2 – 1/y - 2 is polynomial.
8.Is x^4 + 4 = (a^2 + a + 2)(a^2 – a + 2) ?
9.Quadratic polynomial is univariate
10.x^2 + x^3 – 4x^4 is monic.


1.  Which one is not a polynomial
      (a)   4x^2 + 2x – 1(b)   y + 3/y(c)   x^3 – 1(d)   y^2 + 5y + 1

2.  The polynomial ax^2 + bx + cx^4 + 5 is 
      (a)   linear           (b) quadratic          (c) cubic            (d)  Biquadratic

3.  Identify the polynomial
      (a)   x^–2 + x^–1 + 5     b) x^1/2 -1/2    (c)  1/x  + (- x)  (d)   3x^2 + 7

4.  The zero of the polynomial p(x) = 2x + 5 is
      (a)   2        (b)   5      (c)   2/5        (d)   -5/2

5.  The number of zeros of x^2 + 4x + 2
      (a)   1      (b)   2      (c)   3      (d)   none of these

6.  The polynomial of type px^2 + qx + r, a = 0 is of type
      (a)   linear      (b)   quadratic     (c)   cubic       (d)   Biquadratic

7.  The value of k, if (x – 1) is a factor of 4x^3 + 3x^2 – 4x + k, is
      (a)   1     (b)   2      (c)   –3       (d)   3

8.  The degree of polynomial p(x) = x+√(x^2+1)  is
      (a)   0     (b)   2      (c)   1       (d)   3

9.  If 3 + 6 – 9 = 0, then the value of (3)3 + (6)3 – (9)3 is
      (a)   260       (b)  –360        (c)  –486   (d)   486

10.  If value of 104 × 96 is
      (a)   9984   (b)   9469      (c)   10234     (d)   11324

11.  The value of 5.63 × 5.63 + 11.26 × 2.37 + 2.37 × 2.37 is
      (a)   237      (b)   126     (c)   56        (d)   64

12.  The value of [(361)^3 (+139)^3)]/[(361)^2-361*139+(139)^2 ] is
      (a)   300  (b)   500   (c)   400     (d)   600

13.  If x + y = 2, x^2 + y^2 = 5 then xy is
      (a)   1    (b)   3      (c)   2       (d)  None of these

14.  If x + 2 is a factor of x^3 – 2ax^2 + 16, then value of a is
      (a)   3    (b)   1    (c)   4   (d)   2

15.  If one of the factor of x^2 + x – 20 is (x - 4). Find the other
      (a)   x – 4   (b)   x + 2      (c)   x + 5        (d)   x – 5

16. which one of the following algebraic expressions is a polynomial in variable x ?
(a)  x2 + 1/x^2             (b) √x+1⁄(√x)               (c) x^2+ (3x)^(3⁄2)/√x    (d) none of these

17. Degree of the polynomial p(x) = ( x + 2 )( x – 2 ) is 
(a) not define            (b) 1                             (c) 0                         (d) 2 

18. If x^3 + y^3 + z^3 = 2k[ ( x – y)^2 + ( y – z)^2 + ( z – x)^2 ] then k is
(a) 1/4                         (b) 1/2                          (c) any real number      (d) not define

19. If both x = 2 and x = ½ are factors of px^2 + 5x + r, then p = 
(a) ¾ r                       (b) 2r                           (c) r/2                         (d) r 

20. Who is the father of polynomials ?
(a) Diophantus           (b) Newton                  (c) Euclid                      (d) Aryabhatta


Match or Choices for the correct combination of elements from List-A and list – B are given as options (a), (b), (c) & (d) out of which one is correct.

1. List- B shows the degree of polynomials given in List- A.

          List-A                                       List- B

p) 2 – y^2 – y^3 + 2y^8                1) 2
q) 2                                                2) 1
r) 5X - √7                                      3) 0
s) 4 – X^2                                      4) 8         

                p q r s
            a) 1 3 2 4
            b) 4 3 2 1
            c) 4 2 3 1
            d) 2 3 4 1

2. List – B gives the values of k for polynomials given in List-B when it divided by x – 1

             LIST-A                                LIST – B
p) Kx2 – 3x – 2k                        1)  0
q) X^2 – x + k                            2) -3
r) 2x^2 + kx + 3                      3) (√2-1)/3
s) 3kx^2 - √2x + 1                     4)  -5

p q r s
a) 2 1 4 3
b) 4 1 3 2
c) 1 4 3 2
d) 2 2 4 1
3. List-B gives value of the polynomials given in List – A at the given points.

            LIST-A                                      LIST-B
p) 3t^3 – 2t^2 + t at t = ½                    1) 2
q) 3x^3 + x^2 – 20x +12 at x = 2/3     2) -1
r) 7u^5-4u^3 + 2 at u = 0                    3) 3/8
s) (3s – 1)(2s-3) at s = 1/2                   4) 0

    p q r s
a) 1 2 3 4
b) 4 2 1 3
c) 4 3 2 1
d) 3 4 1 2






1. How many straight lines can pass  through two given lines?
  a)  None       b).  Only one         c).  Two              d).  Three
2.  What is the least number of lines required to make a closed figure?
           a)  One         b) Two                  c).  Three           d)  Four
3.  Which of the following is an axiom?
           a) Theorem    b) Definitions   c)  The universal truth in all branches of Mathematics
       d) Universal truth specific to geometry
4.  How many dimension does a surface has?
           a).  One         b) Two               c)  Three              d)  Four
5.  A solid has how many dimensions?
           a).  One         b) Two               c)  Three              d) Four
6.  The figure formed by two straight lines having a common point between them is known as
           a)  Angle        b)  Triangle       c)  Rhombus          d).  Kite
7.  How many lines can passes through one common point?
           a)  One          b) Two               c).  Three             d).  Four
8.  Which of the following are boundaries of a surface?
           a)  Lines        b) Curves           c).  Surfaces        d).  Points
9. . Euclid belongs to
a) Greece                 b) Italy              c) Germany           d) Egypt
10 . The total number of propositions in the elements is?
a) 20                         b) 7                    c)13                      d) 465
11. Ram salary is equal to Mohan salary, Due to recession, the salaries of ram and Mohan are made half. The final salary of Ram will still be equal to Mohan. This is are per
a) Ist  axiom             b) 7th  axiom       c) 6th axiom          d) 2nd axiom
12 . Which of these statements are false?
a)The number of dimensions in the solid is 3
b) The number of dimensions in the surface is 2
c) The number of dimensions of a point is 1
d) None of these
13. The number of line segments determined by the three non collinear points is
a) one                          b) two                  c) three                          d) four
14. Boundaries of the solid are
a) lines                       b) points                c) surface                      d) curves
15. It is known that if p+q=11 then p+q+r=11+r. The Euclid axioms that illustrates this statement is
a) Ist axiom               b)3Th  axiom           c) 4th axiom                    d) 2nd axiom
16. which of the following is not an undefined term?
a) line            b) angle             c) plane            d) point
17. Which of the following needs a proof?
a) postulates       b) Definitions         c) Propositions         d) Axioms

True or False statement

a) In geometry, we take point, line and plane as defined term
b) Two lines drawn in a plane always intersect at a point
c) Only one line can pass through the two points X and Y
d) If two circle are equal, then there radii is also equal
e) Three points are concurrent if they have only one common point between them
f) The statements that are proved are called postulates
g) The whole is greater than the part is a postulate
h) If the area of square X equals to the area of rectangle Y and the area of rectangle Y is equal to area of circle Z,then area of square X equals to area of circle Z


1.                  LIST – A                                  LIST- B 
A) Who gave the proof that circle can be     1)  Brahagupta
          bisected  into two equal parts by
           its diameter 
B) Who derived the value for area of            2) Aryabatta
        isosceles triangle
C) Who derived the value for                        3) Bhaskara –II
       volume of pyramid       
D) Who  discovered the formula                   4) Thales
      for the finding the area of
       cyclic quadrilateral     
                                                                        5) Pythagoras

2.               LIST- A                                LIST-B

 P)  only one line can pass through                     1) One point
Q)  infinite number of lines can pass through     2) common
R)  two distinct lines can’t have more than
        one point in                                                  3) two point
S)  two distinct points always determines           4) a line

CODE:     P        Q           R         S

A)          1          4           3          2
B)          3          1           2          4
C)          3          2           1          4
D)          4          2           1          3


3.         LIST-A                LIST-B

P)   a point                         1)  has length and breadth
Q) a line                             2) has no part
R) a surface                       3) has breadthless length
S) ends of a line                4) points

CODE:         P      Q    R    S

A)                4     2     3     1
B)                2     4     3     1
C)                1     4     3     2
D)                2    3      1     4

4.              LIST-A                  LIST-B 

P) POSTULATE 1         1) A TERMINATED LINE CAN  BE PRODUCED                                                                                                     INDEFINITELY

Q) POSTULATES 2     2) ALL RIGHT ANGLES ARE EQUAL TO ONE                                                                                                      ANOTHER

R) POSTULATS 3       3) A STRAIGHT LINE MAY BE BE DRAWN FROM                                                                                            ONE POINT TO ANY OTHER POINTS

Q) POSTULATES 4      4) A CIRCLE CAN BE DRAWN WITH ANY                                                                                                           CENTRE AND RADIUS

CODE :        P    Q    R    S

A)              1     3     2    4
B)              4     3     2    1
C)              3     1     4    2
D)              3     4     1    2


1. The assumptions which are obvious universal truths is known as _________.
2. Things which are equal to the same things _________ to one another.
3. If equal are subtracted from equals, then remaining things are _______
4. Things  which are double of the same things are _____ to one another.
5. Two distinct intersecting lines cannot be ________ one anther.
6. All right angles are ________
7. The whole is greater than its ________________
8. Euclid’s is also known as ____________________
9. Point has ____________ dimensions
10. Line has ____________  dimensions
11. Surface has _________ dimensions
12. Solids has ___________ dimensions
13. Boundaries of a solid are called _____________
14. Boundaries of a surfaces are called __________
15. Lines end in ________________
16. Geometry is derived from __________ and _________ ( word)
17. Euclid was a students of ____________


ANCIENT INDIA ( Answer Key )

ANCIENT INDIA ( Answer Key )

1. What was built in Lothal to facilitate the ships?
ANSWER:    b.  Dockyard               

2. Who is known as the first keertankar of Maharashtra ?
ANSWER:    c. Saint Namdev       

3. The sixteen Mahajanapadas are mentioned:
ANSWER:    c. Anguttara Nikaya     

4. The capital vasta mahajanapada was:
     ANSWER:     c. Kaushambi               

5. Father of history is called:
ANSWER:     c. Herodotus                 

6. Satakarni was the ruler of which dynasty?
                ANSWER:      d. Satavahana

7. During seventeen century B.C. the form of buddism was famous as:
        ANSWER:       c. Vajrayana                 

8. Who  was the direct descendents of stone age civilizations and creator of Mohen – jo – Daro’s Sindh culture ?
ANSWER:     c. Dravidians                 

9. Which veda is known as Gangotri of Music ?
ANSWER:    d. Samaveda

10. Which ancient university was situated at Badgaon village of Patna in Bihar ?
ANSWER:    c. Nalanda                       

      11.  Name the Indian mathematician who discovered zero.
          ANSWER:     ( a)  Aryabhatta     

       12. Which book of Maths had been written by Bhaskaracharya?
             ANSWER:    (b) Lilavati Ganit     

       13.Samrat Ashok was ruler of
              ANSWER:    (b)  Patliputra

        I4. Most powerful ruler of Gupta dynasty was :
               ANSWER:    (d) Samudra Gupta

        15. The Rath temples at Mahaballipuram were built by
ANSWER:      (b) Pallavas

       16  Who was the ruler of 'Vatsa’  during the time of Buddha?
                  ANSWER:    (b) Udayana

       17. Which is the world's largest Epic?
                ANSWER:     (d) Mahabharata

       18. In which literature a collection of dialogues between () Buddha and his disciples is given?
                ANSWER:      (a) Sutta Pitaka

         19. Give the name of race known as creator of Mohen-jo-Daro Culture.
                ANSWER:       (b) Dravidian

         20. Black complexion, broad hand, flat nose, short height etc. were the physical features of the tribe called.............
           ANSWER:     (d) The Austroloid

 21. German poet Goethe was so much impressed by reading which drama that he put it on his head and danced with joy?
ANSWER:     (c) Abhigyan Shakuntalam

 22. Big Bath has been found in which of the Indus valley site?
 ANSWER:       (b) Mohenjodaro Lothal

23. Which statement about the position of women in the Rig Vedic society is not true?
. ANSWER:     (b) Parda system and child marriages were prevalent. .

24. When did the first urbanization take place?
ANSWER:     (b) in the Indus Valley civilization

25. Which ruler of ancient India is known as Devanam Piya Priyadasi?
ANSWER:      (c) Ashoka

26. What are tripitakas?
ANSWER:     (b) Compilation of Buddha's sermons

 27. Tripitaki texts are related with which religion?
ANSWER:     (b) Buddhism

28. The language of sangam literature was
ANSWER:     (a) Tamil

29. Ashoka was the son of
ANSWER:     (c) Bindusar

30. The thinker Confucius belonged to the country
ANSWER:     (c) China

31. By whom 'Saka Era' was started?
ANSWER:    (a) Kanishka

32. Which city was founded by Sikandar Lodi?
ANSWER:     (d) Agra  Indus valley

33. The great bath of the Indus valley civilizations was discovered in
ANSWER:      (c) Mohenjodaro 

34. Lothal is stitauted in
  ANSWER:     (d) Gujarat

35. Samaveda means:
     ANSWER:     (b) The Book of Music

 36, The capital of Kuru was :
ANSWER:     (c) Hastinapur 

   37. During the invasion on India which Greek intellect ccompanied Alexander?
 ANSWER:    (c) Nearchus

   38. Which of the following  city is not related with Indus civilization?
ANSWER:     (d) Patliputra

   39. Which of the following was the oldest veda?
  ANSWER:         (a) Rigveda

 40. Founder of Gupta Dynasty was:
 ANSWER:       (a)  Shri Gupta 

  41. Huen Tsang came in the period of
ANSWER:      (b) Harshavardhan

42. Which city was established by Harihar-Bukka?
  ANSWER:      (c) vijaynagar

43. Jeevak, the first surgeon, was of
ANSWER:     (c) Rajgrih

44. Which pillar inscription describes about ‘Samudragupta'?
ANSWER:     (c) Mehrauli Prashasti

45. Which epic describes about the Indraprastha Nagar'?
 ANSWER:    (c) Rigveda

46. The reign of ______  witnessed the golden age of Mesopotamia.
ANSWER:     (c) Hammurabi

47. ‘Zend Avesta' is the holy book of the __________
ANSWER:     (c) Parsees

 48. Among the following who is called 'Light of Asia'?
ANSWER:     (b) Buddha

  49. The Upanishads are
ANSWER:    (a) a source of Hindu philosophy




Image result for medieval history OF INDIA images
1. The ruler of Vallabhi belonged to which Dynasty?
 (a) Maitraka Dynasty (b) Vijay Nagar Dynasty (c) Mughal Dynasty (d) Vansh Dynasty

 2. Hindu caves were built during the reign of which dynasty?
(a) Ashoka Dynasty (b) Maurya Dynasty (c) Kunala Dynasty (d) Rashtrakuta Dynasty

3. The correct chronological order of the treaties signed between British and Native States.
(A) The treaty of Salbai, the treaty of Srirangapatna, the treaty of Amritsar and the treaty of Mangalore.
(B) The treaty of Salbai, the treaty of Mangalore, the treaty of Srirangapatna and the treaty of Amritsar.
 (C) The treaty of Amritsar, the treaty of Mangalore, the treaty of Salbai and the treaty of Srirangapatna.
(D) The treaty of Amritsar, the treaty of Salbai, the treaty of Srirangapatna and the treaty of Mangalore (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D

4. The most famous centre of learning during the Mauryan period was
 (a) Taxila (b) Ujjain (c) Nalanda  (d) Vallabhi

5  In which year of Ashok coronation did the Kalinga war
take place?
(a) Fifth year        (b) First year            (c) Eighth year       (d) Thirteenth year

6. Rani Laxmibai was also known by which name?
(a) Chhabili (b) Manu (c) Manikarnika (d) All of the above

7. In which of the following forts was the coronation of Chhatrapati Shivaji held?
(a) Raigad Fort (b) Kumbhalgarh Fort  (c) Pune Fort (d) Surat Fort

8. Triratna is related to
(a) Buddhist osophy    b)  Vedic philosophy  (c) Islamic Philosophy ( (d) Jain Philosophy   

9. The famous monument built to commemorate the end of plague in India in the year 1591 was ;
(a) Buland Darwa  (b) Charminar  ( c) Gol Gumbaz   (d) Gol Konda

10 . Which is called the 'Cradle of India Temple Architecture'?
(a) Ajanta (b) Ellora  (c) Aihole (d) Chithannavasal . (e) None of these

11. The first  ruler of India who organized pilgrimage to Haj at the expense of the state.
 (a) Humayun      (b) Babar   (c) Akbar    (d) Jahangir

12. Satyamev jayate is taken from:
 (a) Vedas   (b) Mundkopanished   (c) Aranyak   (d) Smrities

13.  Who among the following believed in Blood and Iron policy?
(a) Aibak    (b) Balban       (c) Razia     (d) Iltutmish

14. In which language did Abul Fazal write the Akbarnama?
(a) Farsi (b) Arabi  (c) Urdu  (d) Pali
15. Who built the Red Fort of Delhi?
 (a) Akbar (b) Humayun  (c) Shah Jahan  (d) Jahangir

16. Which poetry is not written by Kalidas
 (a) Kumarsambhava (b) Raghuvansh  (c) Dasakumarcharita (d) Ritusamhara

17. who was the founder of kingdom. of Vijay Nagar?
(a) Haihar and Bukka   (b)   Krishnadev Roy   (c)  Dev Roy II  (d) Harihar II

18. Mehrauli situated Qutub Minar of Delhi is constructed by:
 (a) Shah Jahan (b) Aaram Shah    (c) Qutubuddin Aibak (d)  (c) Babur 

19. Which Sultan is known as Mad  (sanki) sultan in history?
  (a ) Allauddin Khilji  (b)  Balban  (c) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq (b)  Balban  (d) Ferozshah Tughlaq

20. Tajmahal is situated at
(a) Chattarpur  (b) Patna   (c) Agra  (d) Mumbai

21. Shivaji's mother's name was:
 (a) Jijabai (b) Baijabai (c) Chandbiwi (d) Tarabai

22, Who among the following called himself the 'Parrot of India'?
(a) Amir Hasan (b) Jaisi (c) Amir Khusrau (d) Faizi (e) None of these

23, The famous book 'Geet Govind" is written by :
(a) Jayadeva  (b) Mahadevi Verma (c) Jaishankar prasad (d) Kalidas (e) None of these

24. Who among the following emperors was called 'Qalandar'?
 (a) Akbar (b) Jahangir (c) Shah Jahan (d) Babur (e) None of these

 25. Who wrote Akbarnama'?
(a) Abdur Rahim Khankhana (b) Faizi (c) Abdul Quadir Badauni (d) Abul Fazl

26. In which subject area was Panini a great scholar?
(a) Language and Grammar (b) Ayurveda (c) Astronomy (d) Biology (e) None of these

 27. Between whom was the third battle of Panipat fought?
(a) Hemu and Akbar (b) Humayun and Shershah (c) Marathas and Ahmad Shah Abdali (d) British and Tipu Sultan
28. Who was the first Hindu courtier who accepted Din-e-Ilahi?
 (a) Todar Mal  (b) Man Singh (c) Birbal (d) Bhagwan Das

29. Which ruler earned fame for road construction in the medieval period?
(a) Akbar (b) Shah Jahan (c) Sher Shah Suri (d) Raziya Begum

30. Who Founded the city of Fatehpur Sikri?
(a) Babur (b) Akbar (c) Shah Jahan (d) Humayun

 31. The work by Amir Khusro is
(a) Padmawat (b) Tughlaq Nama (c) Raghuvamsha (d) Swapnavasanhattam

 32. Which Mughal emperor's period is known as golden period of Indian architecture?
(a) Shah Jahan (b) Babur (c) Akbar (d) Humayun

33. Arthshastra is written by whom?
(a) Kautilya (b) Machiavelli (c) Chandragupta Maurya (d) Samudragupta

 34. In 1526 who established the Mughal empire in India?
 (a) Akbar (b) Babur (c) Humayun (d) Turks

 35. Who became the Badashah of India in 1720?
(a) Murshid Kuli Khan (b) Paraweza (c) Muhammad Shah (d) Azimushan

36. Which king of the sultanate period is known as the mad  sultan?
(a) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq (b) Feroz-Shah-Tughlaq (c) Jalal-ud-din-Khilji (d) Alauddin-Khilji

37. Who was the last emperor of Mughal dynasty in India?
(a) Aurangzeb (b) Shahjahan  (c) Jahangir (d) Bahadurshah Zafar

38.  The grave of Maharani Laxmibai is situated at
(a) Varanasi (b) Kanpur (c) Allahabad (d) Gwalior

39.  Malik Kafur was trusted general of
(a)  Alauddin Khilji (b) Feroz tughlaq  (c) Iltutmish  (d) Muhammad-bin Tughlaq

40. Ibrahim Lodhi was defeated
(a)  In the first battle of Panipat  (b) In the second battle of Panipat
(c) In the first battle of Talikota   (d)  In the first battle of Tarain

41. Tick the not correctly matched?
(a)  Buland Darwaja-Akbar  (b) Alai Darwaja - Alauddin-Khilji
(c) Tajmahal - Shah Jahan    (d) Red Fort - Babur

42. Gulbadan Begum was the daughter of
(a)  Babur (b) Humayun  (c) Akbar (d) Shahjahan

43. Tithe is
(a)  religious tax    (b) implied tax  (c) taille tax  (d) feudal tax

44. 'Avesta belongs to which religion:
 (a) Muslim  (b) Hindu (c) Parsis (d) Christian

45. `Din-e-Illahi" was related to:
(a) Akbar (b) Jahangir (c) Shahjahan (d) Shershah

46. Who built the `Khajuraho' temple?
(a) Holkars (b) Parmar  (c) Pallava (d) Chandella

47.  Who built the city of Hyderabad (Telangana)?
(a) Muhammad Quli Qutub Shah  (b)  Muhammad Bin Tughlaq  (c) Alauddin Khilji (d) Sikendar Lodi

48. Who started Qawwali?
(a) Muhammad Iqbal   (b) Bismillah Khan (c) Khizr Khan (d) Amir Khusrau

49.Third battle of Panipat took place in
(a) 1526 (b) 1556 1770 (d) 1761

50. What was the original name of Mumtaz Mahal?
(a) Arjuniand Bano Begium  (b) Raziya Begum (c) Gulbadan Begum (d) Roshan Ara tiepin

51. Kanchipuram was the
(a) Capital of Cholas  (b) Capital of Pallavas (c) Capital of Chalukyas   (d) Capital of Pandyas

 52. The Taj Mahal was built by
(a) Babur   (b) Akbar (c) Shah Jahan (d) Aurangzeb (e) None of these

53, Two great Indian Epics are :
(a) Geeta and Bible   (b) Ramayana and Mahabharata . (c)Quran and Rigveda        (d) none of these

54. Who was the last Mughal Emperor?
(a) Alamgir II (b) Bahadurshah Zafar   (c) Farrukh Siyar II (d) Shahalam II

55. Agra City was founded by a
(a) AJauddin Khilji (b) Sikandar Lodi  (c) Akbar (d) Shahjahan

56. Who wrote Brihat Samhita?
 (a) vatsyayana  (b) Varaha Mihira  (c) Kalhan (d)  Kalidas

57. Second battle of Panipat was fought between
(a) Akbar and Hemu (b) Babur and Ibrahim Lodhi (c) Humayun and Bahadurshah (d) Akbar and Rajput

58. who captured the Peacock Throne of emperor Shah Jahan?
 (a) Timu lung (b) Nadir  shah (c) Mahmud Ghajnavi (d) Dara Shikoh

59. Who built Khajuraho temple?
a) Solanki dynasty (b) Parma dynasty (c) Chandela dynasty (d) Chouhan dyasty

60. The Aianta caves were built during the period of the
(a) Maurvas (b) Vakatakas (c) Kushanas (d) Chalukyas

61. Iliuen-Tsang came to India during the reign of
 (a) Harshavardhana (b) Kanishka (c) Chandragupta Maurya (d) Samudragupta

 62. The War of Tarain was fought among
 (a) Shivaji and Jai Singh.        (b) Prithviraj Chouhan and Mohammad Ghori.
(c) Mohammad Ghori and Jai Singh.     (d) Prithviraj Chouhan and Ghajnavi.

 63. Which state was established by Harihar I and Bukka?
(a) Raj Nagar (b) Shri Nagar (c) Vijaya Nagar (d) Chandra Nagar

64. Who wrote Ramacharit Manas?
 (a) Ramdas (b) Surdas (c) Haridas (d) Tulsidas

65. Red Ford was built by (a) Babur (b) Akbar (c) Shah Jahan (d) Aurangzeb

66. The were the petty chieftains ruling over hilly region.
(a) Velirs (b) Panar (c) Viraliyar (d) Kalabhras

 67. Kabir was the disciple of
(a) Ramananda (b) Ramanuja (c) Tukaram (d) Chaitanya

68. The term 'Tavern' stands for a
(a) Place where people gathered to dance and dine (b) Place where people carried political discussions (c) Place where people gathered to drink alcohol (d) Place where people gathered to discuss their problems

 69. Which of the following is not included in the teachings of Jainism?
(a) Fasts and mortification for the body                 (b) Non-violence 
(c)  Belief in Karma and rebirth                        (d) Belief in God     (e) None of these



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      1. What was built in Lothal to facilitate the ships?
         a. Hall           b.  Dockyard                 c. Pillar             d. Grill

        2. Who is known as the first keertankar of Maharashtra ?
           a. Saint Dnyaneshwar       b. Saint Tukaram     c. Saint Namdev    d. Saint Ekanth

       3. The sixteen Mahajanapadas are mentioned:
           a. Mahabharta       b. Ramayana            c. Anguttara Nikaya        d. Lalit Vistar

       4. The capital vasta mahajanapada was:
           a. Champa             b. Ujjain                   c. Kaushambi                  d. Patliputra 

        5. Father of history is called: 
           a. Dymekus           b. Talmy                  c. Herodotus                    d. None of theses

        6. Satakarni was the ruler of which dynasty?
             a. Chola                 b. Gupta                  c. Kushana                       d. Satavahana 

        7. During seventeen century B.C. the form of buddism was famous as:
            a. Mahayana         b. Hinayana              c. Vajrayana                   d. Sahajyan

         8. Who  was the direct descendents of stone age civilizations and creator of Mohen – jo –                          Daro’s Sindh culture ?
           a. Aryans            b.  Mongoloids           c. Dravidians                    d. Armenoids 

        9. Which veda is known as Gangotri of Music ?
             a. Rigveda           b. Atharvavedas        c Yujurveda                      d. Samaveda

       10. Which ancient university was situated at Badgaon village of Patna in Bihar ? 
            a. Takshashila      b. Vallabhi               c. Nalanda                         d. Vikramshila
           11.  Name the Indian mathematician who discovered zero. 
           ( a)  Aryabhatta       (b) Bhaskaracharya  (c) Bramagupta             (d) Lilawati
          12. Which book of Maths had been written by Bhaskaracharya?
             (a) Aryabhattiyam       (b) Lilavati Ganit       (c) Dash Gitika       (d) Arya Siddhanth 
           13.Samrat Ashok was ruler of 
              (a) Bhopal  (b)  Patliputra  (c) Delhi      (d) Vidisha

              I4. Most powerful ruler of Gupta dynasty was :
              (a) Shri Gupta (b) Kumar Gupta (c) Skanda Gupta (d) Samudra Gupta
              15. The Rath temples at Mahaballipuram were built by 
                (a) Cholas  (b) Pallavas (c) Chedis (d) Chalukyas 

                16  Who was the ruler of 'Vatsa’  during the time of Buddha?
                  (a) Bodhi (b) Udayana (c) Satanika (d) Nichakshu 

              17. Which is the world's largest Epic?
                  (a) Ramayana (b) Ettutokai Patthuppattu (d) Maiinht„.

               18. In which literature a collection of dialogues between () Buddha and his disciples is                             given?  
                  (a) Sutta Pitaka (b) Vinaya Pitaka (c) (c) Abhidhamma Pitaka (d) Milinda Panha 

               19. Give the name of race known as creator of Mohen-jo-Daro Culture. 
 (a) Australoid (Nishad People) (b) Dravidian (c) Aryans (d) Negroid (Habsi People)  (e) None of theses

             20. Black complexion, broad hand, flat nose, short height etc. were the physical features of                      the tribe called............. 
                  (a) The Dravidians (b) The Armenoids (c) The Mongoloids (d) The Austroloids 
               21.  Goethe ( German poet) was so much impressed by reading which drama that he put it                        on  his head and danced with joy? 
                   (a) Malavikagnimitram         (b) Vikramorvasiyam           (c) Abhigyan Shakuntalam                           (d) Mahavir Charitam 

           22. Big Bath has been found in which of the Indus valley site?
                (a) Harappa (b) Mohenjodaro Lothal (d) Chanhudaro 

            23. Which statement about the position of women in the Rig Vedic society is not true?
                (a) They enjoyed high status in the society. 
                (b) Parda system and child marriages were prevalent. 
                 (c) They had right to higher education. 
                 (d) Dowry was not known.  

           24. When did the first urbanization take place?
               (a) In the new stone age (b) in the Indus Valley civilization (c) During the Mauryan period                     (d) During the Gupta period 

           25. Which ruler of ancient India is known as Devanam Piya Priyadasi?
                     (a) Bindusar (c) Ashoka (b) Chandra Gupta Maurya (d) Brihadratha 

          26. What are tripitakas? 
(a) Vedic Literature (b) Compilation of Buddha's sermons  (c) Main principles of Lord Mahavira 
(d) Compilation of account of Alexander's invasion into India (e) None of theses

         27. Tripitaki texts are related with which religion? 
                      (a) Vedic religion (b) Buddhism (c) Jainism (d) Shaivism

          28. The language of sangam literature was
                    (a) Tamil (b) Bengali (c) Hindi (d) Marathi

          29. Ashoka was the son of 
                   (a) Chandragupta Maurya (b) Brihadratha (c) Bindusar (d) Ramagupta  

           30. The thinker Confucius belonged to the country 
                   (a) England (b) America (c) China (d) Japan 

            31. By whom 'Saka Era' was started? 
                  (a) Kanishka (b) Ashoka (c) Harshrardhan (d) Chandra Gupta civilization was 

            32. Which city was founded by Sikandar Lodi?
                    (a) Allahabad  (b) Sikandarabad (c) Jaunpur   (d) Agra  Indus valley

           33. The great bath of the Indus valley civilizations was discovered in 
                   (a) Harappa     (b) Lothal   (c) Mohenjodaro    (d) Ropar

            34. Lothal is stitauted in
                   (a) Maharashtra     (b) Rajasthan    (c) Pakistan   (d) Gujarat 
            35. Samaveda means:
                (a)  The Book of Knowledge  (b) The Book of Music  (c) The Book of Nature
           (d) The Book of religions
         36, The capital of Kuru was :
          (a) Mathura  (b) Takshashila  (c) Hastinapur   (d) Shravasti
        37. During the invasion on India which Greek intellect ccompanied Alexander?
       a) Herodotus Nearchus   (b) Strabo    (c) Nearchus  (d) Arian
          38. Which of the following  city is not related with Indus civilization?
               a Mohenjodaro     (b) Kalibanga       (c) Lothal      (d) Patliputra
            39. Which of the follow ing was the oldest veda?
              (a) Rigveda (b) Samveda (c) Atharvaveda (d) Yajurveda

            40. Founder of Gupta Dynasty was:
           (a)  Shri Gupta  (b) Kumar Gupta   (c)   Skanda Gupta   (d)  Samudra Gupta
              41. Huen Tsang came in the period of
               (a) Rajvardhan (b) Harshavardhan (C) Balivardhan (d) Shrivardhan

            42. Which city was established by Harihar-Bukka?
              (a) Bahmani  (b) Delhi (c) vijaynagar (d) Mohammad Nagar

            43. Jeevak, the first surgeon, was of
             (a) Varanasi (b) Takshila (c) Rajgrih (d) Pataliputra

             44. Which pillar inscription describes about ‘Samudragupta'?
           (a) Prayag Prashasti (b) Girinar Prashasti (c) Mehrauli Prashasti (d) Sarnath Prashasti

            45. Which epic describes about the Indraprastha Nagar'?
           (a) Ramayan (b) Mahabharata (c) Rigveda (d) Mudra Rakshasa

            46. The reign of ______  witnessed the golden age of Mesopotamia.
            (a) Nebuchadnezzar (b) Summu Abu (c) Hammurabi (d) Saragan I

            47. ‘Zend Avesta' is the holy book of the __________
             (a) Greeks (b) Romans (c) Parsees (d) Egypt

            48. Among the following who is called 'Light of Asia'?
              (a) Mahavira (b) Buddha (c) Akbar (d) Ashoka

           49. The Upanishads are
            (a)  book on social behavior man (b) books of ancient Hindu law
            (c) a source of Hindu philosophy (d) prayers to God

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